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No Plans to Implement Re-add Turtle Master

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New Member
We wanted a nerf, not removing them entirely. As Cryptite said in the new update forum that any nerf would just render them useless. In my personal opinion I just think that turtle master should be re-added but 40 second turtle pots should not be enabled on Loka but rather only the 20 second ones be enabled. Removing turtle pots renders end crystals useless now because you die just as fast as anyone else when crystaling now.


New Member
We wanted a nerf, not removing them entirely. As Cryptite said in the new update forum that any nerf would just render them useless. In my personal opinion I just think that turtle master should be re-added but 40 second turtle pots should not be enabled on Loka but rather only the 20 second ones be enabled. Removing turtle pots renders end crystals useless now because you die just as fast as anyone else when crystaling now.
Also I'm ok if turtle master isnt re-added because I also see that crystals are annoying as hell and removing turtle pots also promotes practicing pvp instead of just spamming boom boom rotate blocks


New Member
I'm honestly ok if it's fair now and turtle doesn't get re added cuz it was genuinely fun to crystal but I do admit it was kinda op


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Crystals were used prior to turtle potions being added to the game and could be used effectively (this was after their initial nerf). We feel they still have a use and place in fights but are in a more fun and balanced state. While we discussed and looked at options to nerf TM, in the end, none of them were great solutions, especially when considering other balance issues like PvE and future design space. There was no great way to nerf them and for them to remain relevant and worth using.
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