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Suggestion Readd Mob Spawning in Towns


Well-Known Member
Recently there was a update that disabled mob spawns in towns due to TPS loss during fights. This is a good change to make fights more smooth, however I believe this could be done a different way. I propose that all mob spawning is turned off 15 minutes before a fight begins sort of like how hoppers are turned off.


Well-Known Member
I feel like this would be confusing for newer Towns... maybe each Town could have a certain area where mobs could spawn?

I dunno, I don’t see a huge need to have mobs spawn in Town.


I'm sure newer towns can learn the rules of how mobs would cease to spawn when fights are about to happen, especially considering many new people join a town first before creating one of their own.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
There are multiple reasons we wanted mob spawning off in larger towns. TPS and lag issues are, and will be an issue outside of fights if large numbers of big towns are loaded (who all have mob spawning on). This is a problem that will only get worse as the server grows, so the change helps to future proof us.

The second major reason was to encourage people out of their towns. People often complain there is not enough wilds PvP and a big reason for that is people sit in the safety of their town all day. It also doesn't really make much sense for a big thriving town to have a bunch of undead and mobs running around everywhere.

Finally mob grinders and dark rooms. These are things we ban on Loka because they pretty much nullify the mob side of PvE. Especially when we have plans to add custom mobs with cool unique drops. They also kill any economy or trading for mob drops. We have been finding increasing numbers of players/towns ignoring these rules and hiding dark rooms/grinders within their towns, sometimes in plain sight. This is something that is much harder to do outside of your town and much easier for us to catch those doing it.

To find the best solution I think the big question is why do you want mobs spawning in town? Is it because mob spawns are not consistent or good enough in the wilds? Or something else?


Well-Known Member
To find the best solution I think the big question is why do you want mobs spawning in town? Is it because mob spawns are not consistent or good enough in the wilds? Or something else?
If animal breeding was a thing, I could see mobs not spawning in Town being a pain in the butt. The Barn fixes that. Before your Town hits level 10, you can gather up a few mobs really easily within your borders and put them in the Barn. Bam, infinite supply. The Dungeon will keep you fed with hostile drops, too.

If you want to hunt for ADDITIONAL resources beyond your Industry outputs, going out into the wild seems far more realistic to me. It has benefits in terms of playability, too; it makes you explore foreign places and adds a small amount of risk for reward.

With Loka’s intentions for mob farming (no grinding or dark rooms), as Mag said, I imagine it was really rough for staff to enforce that rule prior to the spawning patch. What constitutes a dark room? Are Towns not allowed to have dark areas for aesthetic or lore which unintentionally spawn mobs? What about caves or paths underground that may have been from a previous Town - is it the current Town’s duty to light those up completely to avoid mob spawning?

Better to restrict spawning in mid/late-game Towns and encourage that exploration into Loka’s map, making it into an adventure rather than “time to accidentally lower this light level and chop down some zombies in the safety of my Town”.


Well-Known Member
There are multiple reasons we wanted mob spawning off in larger towns. TPS and lag issues are, and will be an issue outside of fights if large numbers of big towns are loaded (who all have mob spawning on). This is a problem that will only get worse as the server grows, so the change helps to future proof us.

The second major reason was to encourage people out of their towns. People often complain there is not enough wilds PvP and a big reason for that is people sit in the safety of their town all day. It also doesn't really make much sense for a big thriving town to have a bunch of undead and mobs running around everywhere.

Finally mob grinders and dark rooms. These are things we ban on Loka because they pretty much nullify the mob side of PvE. Especially when we have plans to add custom mobs with cool unique drops. They also kill any economy or trading for mob drops. We have been finding increasing numbers of players/towns ignoring these rules and hiding dark rooms/grinders within their towns, sometimes in plain sight. This is something that is much harder to do outside of your town and much easier for us to catch those doing it.

To find the best solution I think the big question is why do you want mobs spawning in town? Is it because mob spawns are not consistent or good enough in the wilds? Or something else?
Mainly looking at mob spawning outside the town, they just simply aren't as consistent as inside the town (since the same chunks are loaded over a longer period of time) . You can run around during the night and sometimes the mobs spawn frequently and then other times they barely spawn.