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Regedits on loka


Active Member
Yo are regedits bannable on loka? Like regedits from mcregedits.com and stuff like that. Because if it is bannable then that should probably change. Reason being is because like if you use a regedit for ffa where its not bannable on any servers then how'd you play on loka because to my knowledge you can't just disable a regedit whenever you want so that'd just make it impossible to play on loka and not get banned unless you literally reset ur pc when u wanna log on loka and reset it back to play ffa and so on which obviously would be dumb.


Active Member
anything external that gives you an unfair advantage over other users on LokaMC is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
lol like literally almost every ffa player that has moved on to loka has some sort of regedit since its allowed on ffa servers. thats why im askin like how are u supposed to play on loka if you already have them installed on your pc to gain an advantage in another gamemode which its servers allow you to, and to my knowledge you can't just disable or enable a regedit whenever you want to unless you completely reset/uninstall windows. thats why I tagged gragra because he uses $30 regedits in ffa so im wondering what he does in loka with em.


Active Member
Yea sorry for my grammar / the message tripping itself, and there s a thing called guide chat if you know what that is


Active Member
Yea sorry for my grammar / the message tripping itself, and there s a thing called guide chat if you know what that is
No idea what that is but apparently there are a lot of things that can get u banned on loka that wouldn't be bannable on other servers such as alting, health indicator, and now regediits.