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Suggestion Regional Champions


Well-Known Member
Hi, I thought something cool would be to have tournaments like I think someone else suggested how there are fishing tourneys just not as frequent and those could decide a regional champion (garama, kalros, ascalon) and then a town hosted tournament would be the Aladran or Loka champion (Inapplicable). I don't really know if this is a good idea and it could probably use some work but I think it's a rough idea that could lead to something cool with others input and maybe more depth in server lore.

Or instead of it being like fishing tournaments it could just be player hosted tournaments and whatever continent it's hosted on is the title you get so for a silverhand tourney you can become kalros champ and then a Loka hosted tournament would decide the Aladran or Loka champion, the overall champion.

Dreading when Garamas champion shows up to a fight or the garaman and kalrosian champs facing off something like that for lore. It could make some good stories @Wizardteepot

Also something that would be cool if they were pvp tournaments hosted like fishing ones are that you have to live on said continent to be the champion there.

I didn't proof read this or anything
I don't think any continent other than Ascalon has the players to fill a tournament by itself. A "regional" Kalros or Garama tournament would be like, 8-10 players maybe.
I don't think any continent other than Ascalon has the players to fill a tournament by itself. A "regional" Kalros or Garama tournament would be like, 8-10 players maybe.
Nobody said they need to big, they just need to select a champion
Skuhoo, You know how loka has an absurd about of pvp'ers that only log on for fights.
This tournament thing andre is suggesting could make those people interested, and if they win they can be a local champion.
It would maybe bring more pvp boyos.
Tournaments are fun.
( Crypt add dis )
Can things not change? Instead of poking holes in the idea you could think of ways to make it work :O I already said it was a rough idea that could use player input and ideas, it doesn't need to work exactly the way I say it could.

I think what Skuhoo is saying is he is doubting if it's worth giving out smaller titles if there's a significantly smaller chance of towns being able to gather the people. This being said I believe as long as the town is able to gather 16 players from each continent then why not allow it? It would be a fun idea to see put into practice and wouldn't damage anything if it turned out to not work out