I really like this post. I was always taught to forgive and forget; Life is too short to be holding grudges. If I had the power and the people that would accept you back into Loka, I would totally unban you for your honesty and apologies. It's not my decision though, so there is my opinion.
Promise me that you will try your best to make Loka a better server.
Apologies aside, what troubles us most about, for lack of a better term, your explosive exit was your confession that some of the people you brought to the server were hackers.
If we unbanned you, we'd expect that you either not bring those people back or clarify who they were so we can ensure they don't return.
Not a single person from my group wants to come back except for trip. Trip does not hack nor has he ever hacked. The main hacker we had was ShadedJon/Zenithangel/JungleJesus/Catdispensors whom I have lost contact with. Your best bet is to ip ban him because he has about 16 alts. No hackers would be returning if I was was unbanned.
I'll say first hand that I've never had any personal issues with you. I've only ever tried to enforce rules to the best of my ability and judgment. You've disliked me ever since I kicked you from Dragonstone back when we were part of Osiris due to the fact that you couldn't work with Psy. I am sorry if that left a bad taste in your mouth.
As far as the server is concerned, I uphold the responsibilities given to me. We on the admin team exercise checks and balances to ensure there aren't any unfair decisions made. The oversight we have with one another keeps us honest but there will always be other beliefs. On this note, I'm sorry again for anything that has given you a poor impression of myself as an admin or anyone else on our team. I speak for myself when I say we do what is best for the server and its players in any given situation or correct decisions made if the initial call wasn't the best one.
If you decide to appeal your ban, I'll allow the rest of the admin team to make the call since I issued it. I can only express my opinion. You're a good addition so long as you don't allow yourself to give in to anger or frustration. We're all guilty of it. Even I fly off the handle and have to quickly correct myself when it comes to certain circumstances. We're all human. I hope to see you return and enjoy the place because there is, like you said, no place like Loka.