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Suggestion Reinforcments


Active Member
When calling reins, it's really annoying when you decline someone for one reason or another and they keep spamming to try and warp
I would like a system where you can block people from requesting to warp to the reins for your side similar to rivina where if you are blocked once, you can't request again other than if you are unblocked from warping.
+1 Honestly i dont know why this hasnt been added yet, its very annoying when poeple that you know will ruin the fights (Throwing charges, team killing etc) just keep spamming requests to warp even tho you have declined and told them they cant warp.
There is a cooldown on requesting to be become a merc. So is the issue that you've allowed them to become a merc but now they're spamming the warp requests?

If you have people that'll ruin fights why are you accepting them as mercs in the first place?
Tbf, if they didn't know they'd do this pre-accepting, it can be annoying