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Suggestion Reins Chat


Well-Known Member
Sort of talked about this before in an LCR meeting but in the context of normal fights and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be useful, but with reinforcements I could see a good reason to add it. It could also become more useful with these giant fights that have recently been happening on Balak and such.


Well-Known Member
Awesome idea, just concerned about chat getting flooded. Might want to implement some sort of system where only town owners or alliance leaders can talk.
I disagree- the purpose of this chat shouldn't be restricted to shot calling but rather call of help, unless you mean by sort of system as a setting or a optional command, in that case yur.


Well-Known Member
I kinda wish you could toggle alliance/town chat aswell if this was implemented. Half of our alliance chat is people just spamming RINGO EL GRINGO or EMEMEMMEMEMEMEME or something in spanish that isn't really helpful