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Release the Elytra


Well-Known Member
Elytra are probably one of my favorite items in Minecraft. If you have the resources and skill you can get anywhere in a fraction of the time it would normally take. Not only that, you can truly see the world from above. We aren't all admins so seeing our own towns or the landscape itself from higher up is wonderful site to behold.

Unfortunately this ability is reserved for only the wealthy and powerful towns as you must be able to fight the dragon, obtain an Elytra, make a bow able of sustained flight (good armor is also recommended), and then after all that? Well it means nothing if you don't have the territory to fly in. With the rule preventing flight in other towns territory you end up being rather restricted. Sure you can fly in unclaimed territory too but there is less of that everyday. In short, a town unable to hold large amount of territory would find Elytras to be all but useless.

So my suggestion is to adjust this restriction. Absolutely keep the restriction around towns, no one wants outsiders flying right over their walls. In other towns territory though? whats the real harm? I request that this restriction be lifted and let it be tested out. If it really ends up being all that important it can be re-implemented later.

Let us return to the skies, fly over Loka, and behold its real beauty!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
For one of the first times, I agree with Ajaxan, I never saw much reason it was necessary to restrict flight outside of towns, #FreeTheElytra!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Not just that, I know for a fact that Sku agrees as well, so that's three of the most unlikely people to agree on an issue, might as well take another pass at it.:D


Staff member
If i had to guess the main reason we said no flying in territories is that people would probably manage to still fly into towns over walls even if it tries to stop them


Staff member
doesn't it stop momentum and remove elytra accessibility?

Yes but you might still be able to get 5-10 blocks forward while falling. Granted this is more on towns not to build right up to the edge of protection. We're probably fine with removing the territory restriction; i'll ask the pie.


Well-Known Member
The rules were decided on long ago before we really even had elytra, I think its time we loosen them a bit. Given the current system set up, if you even try to enter enemy territory you wont get far. Its not like you'd get any further than if you'd just pillared up and jumped.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I personally think elytra flying is a bit op. We want to encourage players meeting each other out in the wilds too and that don't happen when you are 100 blocks in the air. But then again if that's what the majority of players want then we might be able to do it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mag with the size of the continents, it is unlikely to come across people anyone, quite frankly, if everyone can move faster and in an area that they are easier to see, you are more likely to come across them in the wilds anyways in my opinion.


Staff member
One issue is that people with Elytra are effectively untouchable while flying. I don't know about everyone else, but being unable to stop enemies flying around in my territory would get really annoying.


Well-Known Member
One issue is that people with Elytra are effectively untouchable while flying. I don't know about everyone else, but being unable to stop enemies flying around in my territory would get really annoying.

I agree this could get annoying, but is it really that big a deal? If someone wants to annoy you by moving around in your territory they can just as easily waste your time by being underground or being invisible.

More importantly however, this is a trial run guys! We know a whole bunch of people want it changed, sure, some people may have reservations, but lets give it a shot. If its really a problem, just put it back the way it was before.