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No Plans to Implement Religion Changes

Religion Zones?

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I've seen a few religion-related suggestions on the forums, so I decided I'd share some of the ideas I feel would make the server religion system better.
First of all, I think that owners of towns should be able to create Holy Zones (basically Churches) that would give somebody +2 faith for the religion assigned to that Holy Zone when they /pray there. The command could be something like /g z holysite (zone name) (reglion). A town would be limited to 3 holy zones, and each holy zone can be for a different religion. The Holy Zones could also have a limit in size to stop somebody from simply making their entire town a Holy Zone. As usual, anywhere outside the Holy Site or Holy Zones would just be +1 faith.
Since the Holy Zones would give +2 faith, the Holy Sites would be bumped up to +3 faith.
Also, people would be able to /rl convert within these Holy Zones, even if they are not within the Holy Site.
I feel like these changes and adding Holy Zones would make religions much more interesting and separate from towns for once. If you have any suggestions/feedback please feel free to leave them below because I feel like there's a lot of other cool things that could be added to this that I haven't thought of yet- thanks!


Well-Known Member
At current there isn't a whole lot to do with the faith that you've accumulated, and for that reason the groups that I know just don't pray at all. However, if faith did something more for the game, I think it would be an interesting experience to try and play for the religious victory. That could be another way to get non-pvper interest. Once a use is placed on the faith mechanic, then I would look at some sort of presence mechanic, something that shows that faith's influence, like a temple or a town religion like they have in Civ


Well-Known Member
I am all for giving religion to have multiple holy sites and zones and all that. With the discussions I've had with Crypt I believe he said it was purely for roleplaying so there isn't any mechanical uses planned but with the whole roleplaying in mind, I do agree that there should be zoned religious sites and some kinda of ability to "convert" a town with some sort of command (that only an owner can use just like with founding a religion) and then with that you can make religious sites within the converted town to give +2 with prayers

If this doesn't make much sense sorry I currently have like 7 people trying to talk to me and it makes organizing my thoughts difficult


Active Member
I like the idea of the holy zones, but my suggestion to add to it, to keep with roleplay is that only someone who is a member of said religion can make the holy zone. Example: (because that wording didn't make sense) As a member of the great pond, I could make a holy zone in Jotun, however I cannot make a zone for any other religion because I'm not a follower of it.