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Suggestion Religion Suggestions


Alrighty. So at the moment the idea of having an inter-continent religion (or even inter-alliance) isn't really feasible due to the limit on leaders and holy sites. It doesn't make sense to have only one holy site, and dragging someone across the world to join a religion isn't very appealing.
My suggestion? Multiple holy sites.
A religion can gain another holy site by accumlating +40 (or any other amount of faith - discuss!) faith for their religion in the tile they wish to become the holy site. Every holy site gained, the religion gets +3 leader positions.

A town can "enforce" a religion upon any territories they control by aligning their town with a particular religion. This means you will gain +2 faith by praying in territory your town claims (Holy sites will now grant +3 faith, and praying in a Wilds/Neutral/Friendly territory will grant +1 faith.)
Praying in enemy territory will not grant you any faith, due to your gods "not being in favour".
Religion leaders should be able to convert anyone no matter the place (think Christian Missonaries venturing into the Americas to try convert the natives - they certainly didn't need to take them back to Spain to visit a holy site.) (provided it isn't enemy territory, of course).

All clear? Anything need clarifying? Did I miss anything?
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Well-Known Member
I don't think multiple tiles being owned by the same faith would be the best, just because it might add a level of complication to ./rl that could be avoided. However, I like the concept that towns who follow a faith, but don't live in the holy site, should receive some sort of autonomy. Maybe a plot designated for that religion in their town where their ./pray brings higher faith output, or a state religion set in ./g. I'd love to see ./rl have some more mechanical use!


Well-Known Member
Maybe if a town has a large number of supporters for a faith but don't live on the holy site they can select an area within their town to be a small holy site and and when they pray in that area they get +2