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Religions of Loka


Well-Known Member
i thought it might be cool to have a database of information for the religions of Loka. Reply to this post with information about your religion and I’ll add it to this post! Note that it doesn’t even have to be an official religion on the server, and/or you don’t have to be apart of an official religion to be considered a worshipper.

So feel free to give me the following:
Holy site? (Optional)
Leaders/priests? (Optional)
Followers: (Optional)

Ancient Worship
Worships: The Ancients
Holy Site: Kalros 2/Auru
Leaders/Priests: Ajaxan, Jedoi, Tee
Info: Believed to be those who created the Artifact, the Ancients are thought to have trapped the first Guardians in their sleep from which Asymptonic awoke them. Some believe they are the source of the Guardians’ power, some believe they merely watch but not interfere, but one thing is certain, whatever they are, they are old and powerful.


Well-Known Member
Name: Church of Knowledge
Worships: Wealth, information and terracotta.
Holy Site: Stromgarde
info: The religion was found as a group of people who wanted to find interesting items, information and areas on Loka and keep record of such places.


Name: Shiloism
Worships: Shilo_Moonflair
Holy Site: Garama territory 2/Dong Dank
Info: A religion created a few days before the religion mechanic was announced due to the three original members, Opal, Mason, and myself saw the Guardian Shilo seemingly pop in and out of existence in front of them leaving only small particles at times. We also like to simply celebrate the more "mortal" tendencies of drinking alcohol and generally partying as when Shilo had talked to us she humored our mortal reaction to her.
Fun facts: The first holy war was declared on Shiloism after it had gained more faith than The Church of Eldritch, and our Goddess joined our religion so I guess she worships herself now.


Well-Known Member
Name: Cryptism
Worships: Crypt Code
Holy Site: Roofed Forest (21)
Info: We gather to worship the "bug fixes" of the mighty Cryptite. For every bug fixed a different bug is created. These oversights lead to all kinds of helpful things for us Cryptootians, from an over abundance of resources to not paying taxes. Crypt is God

Fun Fact: Cryptite approved our religion.


Staff member
Name: Cryptism
Worships: Crypt Code
Holy Site: Roofed Forest (21)
Info: We gather to worship the "bug fixes" of the mighty Cryptite. For every bug fixed a different bug is created. These oversights lead to all kinds of helpful things for us Cryptootians, from an over abundance of resources to not paying taxes. Crypt is God

Fun Fact: Cryptite approved our religion.

Last I checked this Religion has 0 faith.


Well-Known Member
We just figured it would bug and give us the same faith as if we were at the holy site. Our faith may be small but we know our God well.


Name: Vulpism
Worships: King Fox
Holy site: Ascalon 191 (Old Zorros)
Info: King Fox is the king of another realm far away. He sent TigerBird and RayWard54 to loka using a stolen knife to spread knowledge about King Fox and the Fox realm. They were also meant to collect knowledge about others and report back to King Fox about the information gathered. They created a town named Zorros and did what they were sent to do, plus some other things, like creating this religion.