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Suggestion Remove Shipwreck Map


Well-Known Member
While I think the map looks good I think its just horrible for pvp especially in ranked. People can and have simply ran around the ship in the center until the other person ran out of buffs and then killed them (moistp did this to me in a ranked match last season). Secondly I get massive frame drops on this map that mess with my sensitivity and my aim I am not sure if I am the only one that experiences this but I don't have this issue on any other map.
We are going to add a couple of new maps to the ranked rotation (replacing a couple of the current ones). Maps are made purposely to have different layouts to make them more interesting and keep things fresh, but we appreciate that they won't all appeal to everyone.

We also want to add a way for you to select which map you want to duel on in unranked matches, which will have the full selection of all the maps.

The frame drops make little sense based on how little is in that world. I would be curious if you could isolate the specific particle effect or block/entity that was causing this.
We are going to add a couple of new maps to the ranked rotation (replacing a couple of the current ones). Maps are made purposely to have different layouts to make them more interesting and keep things fresh, but we appreciate that they won't all appeal to everyone.

We also want to add a way for you to select which map you want to duel on in unranked matches, which will have the full selection of all the maps.

The frame drops make little sense based on how little is in that world. I would be curious if you could isolate the specific particle effect or block/entity that was causing this.
i play with no particles on and 2 chunks I think it is because of water