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Suggestion Remove the Dumb Mechanic That Makes it so Placing a Balak Neutral prevents people from placing on you


Well-Known Member
There is a mechanic on lokamc where if you place a balak fight, nobody can place on your town / alliance until that balak fight starts, I think this mechanic is stupid because:

1. It did not do what it was meant to do (which was to fix double placing this still happens people just place continent first now then balak right after)
2. Because it created a whole new exploit (basically allowing you to close your vuln for an hour whenever you feel like it).

However, my main request in this post is to at the very least make this mechanic not apply to neutrals. As of this post, placing a balak neutral prevents you from being placed on for 15m (a small but sometimes important timeframe) because there is a "ongoing balak fight" except there isnt because its a neutral and they are just killing golems so yes thats dumb atleast fix that if you dont want to remove the entire mechanic

Note: Some haters might call me a "hypocrite" because i have "abused" this mechanic before and accuse me of only complaining about it now because it is being used against me this month. The haters are completely correct. Please remove this mechanic. It did not fix what it was meant to fix and has only created a new exploit.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.
+1 this is abused way more than double placing is combining this with the 2 hours from a bountiful tile it prevents u from placing like half the time and gets especially bad at the end of the month please more pvp less cheese
Limiting tile placement to 15 minutes, instead of 1 hour, would reduce abuse potential. A shorter time frame ensures players act quickly and strategically, preventing monopolization of resources or strategic points. This change encourages fair competition and collaboration, making it harder for any single player or group to dominate unfairly. This idea would greatly enhance the game experience (+8).
Limiting tile placement to 15 minutes, instead of 1 hour, would reduce abuse potential. A shorter time frame ensures players act quickly and strategically, preventing monopolization of resources or strategic points. This change encourages fair competition and collaboration, making it harder for any single player or group to dominate unfairly. This idea would greatly enhance the game experience (+8).
I mean when you place a neutral tile, fight starts in 15 mins so I think its already like that
-1 balak fights should be able to be fully focused on by the alliances involved in them without having to worry abt continental fights
Definitely a good idea, although I think that it should just be removed from neutrals. Balak fights have a sense of importance and being able to double place on Balak itself would be quite silly. It's supposed to be slower paced and higher stakes, pivoting on the shear fight capacity each town has. With that said, if you do place on another alliance on Balak I think you should still have your vulnerability closed for continent fights. Balak is meant to be the focus, and allowing people to attack you back on your continent but not Balak would be quite silly.