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Removing Animal Spawns in towns


Staff member
Wanted to give people a heads up on a change we plan to make to further help keep unnecessary entity counts lower on Loka. One of the biggest causes of excess mobs to this day is animal spawning in towns. Towns are often populated with people and so what often happens is that animals continue to spawn until they reach certain density thresholds and stop. While the thresholds keep entity counts from being unreasonable, there are still often cases where newer towns, or ones with mobspawning on have sometimes up to a hundred extra animals/monsters just sitting around, usually because a player is inside, underground, afk, etc.

It's natural for players to be in towns for various reasons, so it's not a bad thing that the entity counts go up. What Mag and I have agreed on is that it is unnecessary to keep animals spawning in towns all the time. Because of things like Barns, nametagging or taming animals, players often have the specific animals that they want in town wherever they may be. Additional animal spawns elsewhere are often unnecessary.

The change we're going to make (providing there are no major reasons brought forth to counter it) is that once becoming Town Level 6, animals will no longer spawn in your town tile, ever. You are still free to travel just outside your town borders to spawn and find animals you want to bring into your town, but as we see it, there is no reason for passive animal spawning in your town. It just leaves them everywhere and causes strain on the server.

Monsters will still obviously spawn, but they also despawn over time of their own accord, as well as often go away during the daytime. AFK players aren't an issue spawning monsters because they clean themselves up. Animals, however, never despawn unless the chunk unloads.

We'll probably put this in in the next day or two provided nobody brings up reasons to the contrary.

Go Forth!


Well-Known Member
Only reason I would be against this is it makes it more time-consuming to get horses, but that's something I think most people will be okay with to prevent lag. With there being free food at spawn, I don't think it'll cause issues so long as it's explained to new players who may be confused.


Well-Known Member
There really is no issue with food from my perspective. As long as players trade with other towns (espically new players) there will never really be a problem in this area; food is extremely easy to come by, when raiding old towns I still find lots of the stuff.