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Request for Demotion

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Well uh, this is going to sound a bit weird. I'd like to be demoted down to Nomad. Why? Because I joined the server today, looked at my Slicer title, and said, "Damn, I am entitled to respect from new players because I have a cool title and they don't." I'd like to get rid of that feeling. So... at your earliest convenience... please demote me.

Look, this is weird for me too. Just pull the band-aid off and this will all be over soon. If I win the respect of the community again, then I'll go through the promotion to Slicer process. Until then, I want the newb title.


Well-Known Member
Oo, welcome back if you're playing again, will be nice to have you about again. Also not too odd a request, Numbedshot asked for the same, I believe, but his reason was more because Nomad was cooler in his opinion than Slicer
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