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Suggestion Resetting/Regenning Neutral Tiles. Or making requesting a tiles reset easier.


Active Member
Loka's been around for years now and nearly every single non-town/non-ruin tile I see has got quite a lot of old buildings or holes in the floor that just make your time in the area so much harder if your a town owner/wandering player.

I know theres the whole Rejuvinating Wild's thing, but its due time for a reset. Resetting all non-ruin and non-town tiles would make Loka feel so much more fresh and make life easier for the town's nearby.

For projects such as the roads on Kalros, maybe there can be an exception to what on the tile itself regens?

(Example if you don't get what I mean: on my town border, there's already an old town that's not a ruin with traps, so I need to fill in those traps and THEN make my own making it take 2x longer than it realistically needs to. I imagine others have had this issue as well)

You can request to reset a tile, but tbh I have never heard of this till 10 minutes ago when Cryptite told me. It's not public enough so there's also the option of just making it generally more known that requesting a reset is more known/easier to get approved.