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Well-Known Member
I'm writing this post to inform people of my resignation from Guardian and all Loka,

I'm sure a lot of you are aware that there's a lot of toxicity on loka, I've witnessed a lot recently and it's helped me come to the conclusion that I don't enjoy Loka like I used to anymore and that I only stayed because of the plans i had made for my town and for my friends who still played.

In my opinion, toxicity on Loka is a big issue, hate caused by conquest is powerful and can harm people mentally. It's all good saying you'll watch out for bullying and toxicity but that doesn't change that it can harm people without those people coming up and saying something about it. Sadly it's up to the people who are hurt to come up about events that have harmed them, and even then nothing could be done about it.

Usually I can handle the toxicity on the server as at most times it can be controlled, but when my friends are affected by the toxicity head on I try my best to help them and stop the toxicity toward them, and I've failed to do that here.

Loka is an amazing server with great ideas, but I feel as if those ideas should be widened beyond the boundaries of conquest, sure conquest is fun but it can make loka boring for some players when it seems like the only option for fun on the server, this is a big reason why I've decided to leave, Loka is a conquest focused server, I completely understand that but I've always felt as if it needed more, something else to do to pass the time and have fun.

I wish Loka the best and thank you all for the memories that have been made of my time there, and who knows maybe I'll come back in the future one day,

- Thanius/Aaron
Toxicity often arises from boredom which I think a lot of people are experiencing at the moment.
Probably true but there’s other things players could be doing, PG, Arena ranked duel, I know conquest is the main thing on Loka but that can’t be helped if nobody is willing to attack or place any inhibs :P

Anyway, it was good to have you around @Thanius_! Keep in touch :D
We all need a break sometimes and when things get heated, it makes sense to want to take a step back and think about your future in a community. You've been a great asset to Loka Thanius and I hope we can see your return some day in the future.

We'll keep The Artifact on for you. In the meantime, I hope you get forth wherever your adventures take you.

I'm sorry to see you go, as from my experience you are one of the admins that does the job best. I know I haven't talked to you much, but I have never seen any toxicity or unkindness in chat from you, and you do you best to make sure everyone follows the rules. God bless you, and Go Forth!
This truly saddens me. As my friend and roleplaying brother in law, I will miss seeing you on even if your times online weren't very frequent. I hope to see you on in the future in case something catches your eye, but from now on, I'll see you on discord.