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No Plans to Implement (Resolved) Click To Confirm When Buying Deco Heads


New Member
This isn't a huge problem but it's an inconvenience. The tag [Click to Buy] is pretty obvious, but accidentally clicking and not being able to get a refund was frustrating. I hope adding a simple [Confirm] tag after clicking the first tag won't allow anyone else to do the same.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
There already is a confirm step when clicking. But there is also the option to shift-click to insta buy and skip the confirmation step. I can't see us removing that as it's a quality of life feature for some players. Unless I'm missing something I'm not really sure what else we can change.


New Member
There already is a confirm step when clicking. But there is also the option to shift-click to insta buy and skip the confirmation step. I can't see us removing that as it's a quality of life feature for some players. Unless I'm missing something I'm not really sure what else we can change.
Alright thanks, my keyboard must be bugged then lol Im going to fix it rn