I am extremely confused as to what your goal is in writing this little tidbits. To entertain? Inform? Incite some type of emotion?
They are all so short and lack any real store of rising action or conclusion or really anything. They're just kind of things. Perhaps wait for more substantial events to take place? Also show not tell is a big part of writing that you have yet to learn. These are short collections of statements rather than "lore" to me.
Part of writing is writing with purpose, the rest will follow suit if you organize your thoughts and explain the events. Your stories just lack any depth, inspiration, and substance.
Also perhaps keep the parts in a single thread so they will always forever be together and in order? Would make reading a whole lot easier for everyone involved. The map of Ascalon feels extremely out of place as well and I don't fully understand the point of it being 90% of your post.
I am not saying this to bash your writing; I am saying this so you know on ways to improve your writing, from one writer to another.