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Suggestion Rivi Balancing


Well-Known Member
Hello I've found that rivi mods aren't really balanced for rivi due to the smaller fight size so im suggestion on how a rework could work for every mode
Defense Mods
TnT- Balanced (Maybe a small range buff)
Laser- 33% Damage Decrease
Lingering Death- Change it from 30 seconds to 20
Slow- Change it from 30 seconds to 15/10%
Buff- Balanced
Spectral- 30/40 Second lockdown instead of 60
Vicious Attack - 7 Second Bleed
Debilitating Aura- Balanced
Attacking Mods
Tactical Rush- Balanced
Pearl bomb - Increase 5% to each level (20%/15%/10%/5%)
Golem override- Balanced
Super charged- (30sec 25sec 20sec 15sec)
Chain Reaction- Balanced
Shieldwall - Balanced

The rivi defeat timer should be changed to 30 min - 45 min
The main issue i've found with Rivi And Rivi defense is that theres no counter to hiding under tgen so if you play your mods correctly you can just get free picks handed to you once the attackers need to push


Well-Known Member
+1 laser is pretty busted rn, they can literally just sit under tgen and since laser does too much damage it makes everyone having to repot in tens of seconds. Its difficult to stay under tgen for longer than 15 seconds. I think slow should also be nerfed due to how easy it is to target a single person in rivina.


Well-Known Member
+1 laser is op af and is probably the main problem here secondly spectral is too long for rivi conquest has a 60 sec cd with a 60 min fight rivis are 30 minutes so there should be a 30 sec cd imo. Debilitating aura can also be pretty op maybe reducing the cd it puts you on and the amount of slowness


Active Member
+1 nerf the laser nerf the laser nerf the laser nerf the laser nerf the laser nerf the laser


Well-Known Member

Suggested this months ago, good job on writing it out far better and specifying specific changes, certainly agree with this +1