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No Plans to Implement rocket launcher


Well-Known Member
there will be one way to balance this correctly if you also add a nuke which crashes the server otherwise +1 Very good suggestion


Active Member
I'm also thinking adding the flamethrower would be a great choice as it would be able to do AOE damage which would really balance the meta from being rocket launcher based to more of a mix of weapons


Well-Known Member
ok but y’all thinking small. If we add a simple med kit that takes 10 seconds while NOT moving or being attacked heals half a heart and has a 3 hour cool down I think we would be able to heal in conquest.


Well-Known Member
due to the fact that conquest is just people stabbing eachother on a field, i suggest we add the Port-A-Fort item for more unique build battles in conquest.

Whats a W Tap? I know how to crank stairs bro