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Suggestion Role Play Events


Active Member
I have loved this server for many years and while I have enjoyed the player versus player aspect of the server I wish there was more role play opportunities. I am aware that role play is generally on a town by town basis but let us not forget the roots of the server being an over arching story ever since day one. I know most people aren't big on the idea but I just wanted to put it out there.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
The main reason we stopped doing full-on server rp events was the time-consuming nature of them. While they were super fun to do, it would take multiple weeks/months of work for a one-off 1 hour bit of content. It just wasn't sustainable in the long run.

Having said that we're taking steps to move towards role-playing events in the future. Don't expect it anytime soon, but there are plans in place to build up to them later down the line. This will start with the introduction of quests 2.0 and major server questlines.