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Rule 13.6.


Well-Known Member
This rule may not be fair to mercenaries that are paid to help. This is what the rule states "You can only represent 1 town in T Gen fights. You can't use alts in multiple towns for T Gen fights. You can't use more than 1 account at the same T Gen fight."

I might be confused but we can only represent one town in a T Gen fight? Does this mean that you can't hire mercenaries or ask friends from another town to help you defend or attack in T-gen fights? Like I said I might be confused but If this is true I'm not going to get very much business with the job I have. :D

Unless this means that you can't betray the people you are attacking with and suddenly help defend the town you are attacking... That might be what you meant. But I'm not sure many people will do that :p
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Staff member
You can absolutely be hired as a mercenary or go fight for whomever you want, wherever you want. It's the alt-tactic that's the problem. East has many alts, Rozzok has many alts. Both of them have many alts in different towns. As a result, they can logon to whatever town they need to fight for and as a result, can use their beacon, their town portal, their town stuff in order to help that town win and gain the advantage of being in that town.

If Rozzok were playing on his main, he'd have to travel out there manually, or leave his town and join another to fight with them, and that's ok. It's the fact that they can logon a separate account so that they can keep their main in their own town is where the rules apply.


Well-Known Member
You can absolutely be hired as a mercenary or go fight for whomever you want, wherever you want. It's the alt-tactic that's the problem. East has many alts, Rozzok has many alts. Both of them have many alts in different towns. As a result, they can logon to whatever town they need to fight for and as a result, can use their beacon, their town portal, their town stuff in order to help that town win and gain the advantage of being in that town.

Oh, ok this if fine. Thanks for clarifying :)


Active Member
If you're gonna do this, then might as well make it so you can only fight for your alliance... pvpers always get nerfed :p


Active Member
If you're gonna do this, then might as well make it so you can only fight for your alliance... pvpers always get nerfed :p

Why would we do that? The purpose is to stop people from having alts in every town within the alliance (or outside) and being able to just relog and be across the world. You can fight for whoever you like. Hell, you can leave your town and join another, use TPA and be in that town before the next fight but you'll have to face the consequences of leaving the town. It's a fair compromise and limiting the ability to be everywhere at once is perfectly reasonable.