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Scotlxnd Web&Art Developer application


Active Member
Age: 16

Current Rank: Sentry

Which Role You Are Applying For: Web and Art Developer

Why you think you should become this role:

I believe I deserve this role because I have a good understanding of the server. I want to share my knowledge with others who may need help or require information, which I can share on the Loka Wiki. Also, I want to promote the server on different platforms to get more players to Loka.

When You Started Playing on the Server: March 22, 2022
Time Zone: GMT +2

How Often You Play (Hours per Day/Week): 1-2 hours a day. While I'm not as active as i used to be, I will be more active for this role.

What area's within this role would you be interested in doing:

I would love to update and organize the Wiki, as it is currently outdated with information that has changed over time. I also wish to manage and post content on social media platforms.