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Server Builders


New Member
I think we should appoint server builders to 'pretty' up the server. There are a lot of unused wilds and protected zones that could be built on. These people would be put on creative mode and prohibited from providing anyone with supplies. They'd build things admins need built and things to sort of decorate the server.


New Member
You don't understand, these server builders wouldn't be allowed to take part in any other server affairs that would require taking a side. Kind of like backstage workers, so it doesn't give anyone an unfair advantage.


New Member
I agree with this, i think there are many buildings which could be added, also a colloseum or pvp arena, and i would like to offer my help as a builder, but i don't think we should mix smp players with builders


Staff member
It's entirely plausible to build things things cooperatively without creative. It would strengthen ties between towns and serve as a cool place for much of the server to participate in events at. There's probably zero chance of anyone getting creative though for building.


New Member
I mean built on server-protected wilds that are typically unused. There's too much wild in between spawn and build-zone.


Well-Known Member
This is a nice idea, but cryptite is entirely right. On the old world people banded together to build things all the time, one of the first things i did when i joined the server was get invited to build a server arena, my point beings its possible for these things to happening without creative (Also if you need cobble for anything, I have a lot spare atm) If you have anything in mind, and you can get enough drive for it I am sure Asy would let you in to the spawn temporarily as well


New Member
With creative mode it's a lot easier and you can make it a lot more detailed without having to build scaffolding or risk falling from dangerous heights.


Staff member
While it is easier to build with creative, the satisfaction of creating something equally great without it is much higher. I just don't see anybody getting creative on the server to build stuff.


New Member
There's satisfaction in building on creative, if you're not using WorldEdit and VoxelSniper. I've built some pretty large things on creative.


Staff member
So have we all, but I think you're missing the point; There's practically zero chance that you'll get creative to build stuff.


Well-Known Member
I am against this because it removes one major purpose of towns. If the wilderness was full of amazing, protected games and colosseums then what is left for towns but living areas?


I completely agree with zor, if we were to have amazing structures which are nearly impossible to create on survival mode and they completely outshine those made by actual players on the server, towns become less, if not insignificant.

Also, bear in mind that the server was originally branded a 'hardcore' server.


Well-Known Member
im gonna be honest in saying im pretty bored on the server atm. i would happily take part in a mass building project to make the spawn area look nicer, i hate the snowy woods in between spawn and build area. you've seen what people can do without creative crypt, just look at the pyramid in jewel, or the cathedral in cathedral city. huge projects


adderman500 said:
im gonna be honest in saying im pretty bored on the server atm. i would happily take part in a mass building project to make the spawn area look nicer, i hate the snowy woods in between spawn and build area. you've seen what people can do without creative crypt, just look at the pyramid in jewel, or the cathedral in cathedral city. huge projects

I think that we should create some things at spawn, but on survival. We are too good for creative, and the mere permissions to build in spawn will be more than enough. If the changes and creations are unwanted, we can always use worldedit to remove them.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Do not worry, work behind the scenes will be going on to improve the server including things such as spawn. It may take a bit of time but be patient.


Active Member
This is a terrible idea, if only because it would send the wrong message to new players. People being given creative for the purpose of building more grand or intricate structures would undermine our status as a survival server, and turn off new players looking for the sort of server we are supposed to characterize. Also, as Zor said, making the spawn area embody the characteristics currently sought after in towns would take away from the appeal of joining one.

I would, however, support the world rail being completed.


Well-Known Member
Magpieman said:
Do not worry, work behind the scenes will be going on to improve the server including things such as spawn. It may take a bit of time but be patient.
Heh, Listen to Mag here guys. Stuffs gona get better, real soon ^_^