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Suggestion Server Generated Conquest Allies


Well-Known Member
Hello. I have thought of something that I believe would be a great change to LokaMC. I am a member of "The Redemption", a Lokan alliance. We are on Balak! Hooray! Sadly, my fellow alliance members arent very good at PvP, while the opposing alliance Sand Force is home to some of the top PvPers in the Loka universe. We were able to achieve victory in 1 Balak fight so far, and we only needed 39 more people (and 30 minutes) to do it. Sadly, a problem has arisen.

Recently, the Balak fights have been equal numbers, however the skill is very uneven (due to my fellow alliance members lack of PvP experience). I suggest that the server can automatically spawn in players to warp for you in conquest to compensate for the uneven skill gap. These fake players can be zombies in some basic PvP armor and with a PvP sword. They will mimic real players, but be not so strong as to make things uneven. They can click (sometimes), crit (sometimes), pot (rarely) and will die (eventually).

(example of what such a feature could look like, but perhaps with the iconic loka leather armor)

These would still count as kills on eldritchbot like real players do! However they should not be OP and will usually be bottom of the Eldritch Bot log.

(example of what these fake players would look like on an Eb log)

Thx 4 reading and I hope U consider.


Active Member
+1 Can we get the Vindicators from Infested/RI, give them some armor with prot4/sharp5, and make them pot once or twice and just send them the 1st wave,
after the vindicators then our recruits can hop on


+1 I actually suck at the game and anything to boost my precious kill death ratio on the lokamc network would be greatly appreciated


Active Member
funnily enough this has already been implemented into the game you can invite them into your town but they use up roughly 68078 (this is a rough estimate and has no relation to anything else )
potions whilst fighting in conquest


Well-Known Member
listen up new gen softy idiots, do it the old fashioned way AND GRIND PVP GETTING BETTER AND EVENTUALLY OVERCOME YOUR ENEMY. wtf is this goofy ahh suggestion talking bout equalizers cause you guys are dookie get better. honestly we should ban opinions on forums from people who are newer than 7th gen. i have had enough.


Active Member
listen up new gen softy idiots, do it the old fashioned way AND GRIND PVP GETTING BETTER AND EVENTUALLY OVERCOME YOUR ENEMY. wtf is this goofy ahh suggestion talking bout equalizers cause you guys are dookie get better. honestly we should ban opinions on forums from people who are newer than 7th gen. i have had enough.
Bro took it seriously