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Shield Brothers


Active Member
Shield Brothers

The sound of steel on steel was but a chorus in his ears as he parried the blow of an enemy. Any of the others watching would have thought the right to be choreographed because of its seamlessness. No attack went unmet by a parry or block. No step was answered with anything but a mirrored movement. His training was paying off and it was clear to him as much. Finally there was a lull in their attacke and a gap opened between them. Aegon peered at the man before, ready for the next fell swing of the sword. Both of them still had a belt full of potions.

"You're getting better." He said.

"Still plenty of room to improve." Aegon retorted. The man laughed and nodded.

"The same could be said for anyone, right?"

Aegon nodded at that and lifted his helm. His hair was matted to the sides of his face, sweat covering his head from the exertion in the fight. The sparring was over for now. He drove Dragon's Bane into the ground and fitted the helmet atop its hilt. He looked over at the man across from him, who was doing the same. When the helm was lifted, Pearl's face was revealed. He had an amused look. Nothing pleased him more than combat. Dragonstone's esteemed General was well suited for the job to the say the least.

"If I didn't know any better Pearl, I'd say you could live off the thrill of the fight." Aegon smirked himself and took a drink of cold water. He was nearly dehydrated from their lengthy fights.

"You could say that. I enjoy what I do." He laughed and adjusted his gear. Aegon gave a pensive look at the ground before retraining his eyes on him.

"So you're ready to do this then?" Pearl looked back at him as though confused.

"Aren't I always? This is what I live for, you know that." Aegon nodded at his response. It was true. Pearl was a proverbial avatar of war. He was yet to meet someone better with a blade than he or Bowmen or find someone more adept at strategy. Def and Mag were the only rivals he could think as far strategists go. That was an unfair thought though, as they all had strengths within the ranks of Argus that made them uniquely frightening as leaders. The sound of boots on stone caused him to raise his eyes.

"Ah, I figured you could smell the fight in the air." This caused them all to laugh and Bowmen nodded.

"Absolutely. I heard the swordplay and figured I would join in. What good is a blade if it is rusted or combative skills of the same nature?" That merited a good nod of acknowledgment from both Aegon and Pearl.

"Right then. Shall we, brothers? We have a lot to accomplish before this war is all encompassing." The past few weeks held more than he cared to recall in one memory at this time. Suffice it to say conflict was alive and well in their world. Aegon was sure that this was the will of the Artifact. No matter the reason, war is what it wanted and war is what it would get.

All three of them now stood poised for the first person to make their advance. Pearl's mischievous grin told the whole story when be lunged forward at Aegon, Bowmen close at his heels. The ensuing fight was nothing short of expert. Aegon was outmatched by both of them but continued trying to hold his own. They were all of one mind at this point. Dragonstone was held together by their spirit and determination. They would stand in arms next to their allies in this fight for their world. New enemies continued to pass through the slices caused by the knife. Many had no idea who the man was that ultimately brought them here, but they would be reminded. They would be taught. The crest on Aegon's chestplate bore the symbol of the Artifact. Dragonstone now took the symbol as that of their house and city. This was their home. This was their world and as shield brothers, this was their rite.