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Fixed Silverfish and Territory Generators


Active Member
Tonight, when FatPoulet and I took out one of FKA's gens, silverfish were constantly spawning on us before we had taken down the generator's power source. In other words, they were spawning outside of the generator room at a prodigious rate; it got to the point where an enormous swarm of silverfish had infested the surrounding forest, and by the time we destroyed the gen and killed the last of the silverfish, I had around 54 levels.

So uh, yeah, please fix this. It makes taking out the power source way harder, and causes lots of lag.


Staff member
It's the golems that spawn them. In order to prevent a specific attack, they check to see if you're 'hiding' under a 2 block-high ceiling (where they can't get to). If after a bit of time they can't get to you they'll spawn silverfish on top of you. However, this can get awkward if in certain places and have many golems trying to get to you.

This will likely be changed to something else.