Silverhand's First Build Competition
Hey Lokans! As much as we like to host PvP Tournaments in the Silverhand Colosseum, we'd also like to give the less bloodthirsty among us a chance for glory. With that in mind, we are proud to announce the First Silverhand Build Competition! Mr P, RedSkilZZ, Misty, myself, and the horses have all been hard at work on a new type of arena. Only in this one, the competitors bring picks, blocks, and ingenuity in place of the traditional sword, potions, and s w e a t. Here's a sneak peak of what to expect.
The Tournament will be held on March 18th at 3pm EST.
Entry Fee: 4 diamond blocks per person. You won't be added to the Competition until your fee is paid.

The Tournament will be held on March 18th at 3pm EST.
Entry Fee: 4 diamond blocks per person. You won't be added to the Competition until your fee is paid.
Unlike the PvP Tournaments we have hosted in the past, simply paying an entry fee does NOT guarantee entry to the Silverhand Build Competition. This is because, unlike in a PvP tournament that all takes place in one arena, a build competition, by nature, takes up more competition space. We have built a complex that hosts a maximum of nine contenders at a time. To ensure competitive quality, we ask that all interested parties reach out to me, Marblesack12, on Discord or in-game, preferentially with some evidence of build experience. (This can be as simple as a screenshot of a past build)
(Keep an eye on this section, it will probably see an edit or two)
(Keep an eye on this section, it will probably see an edit or two)
A total of nine contenders will be allowed entry. The competition will be split into three rounds. Each round, the three builders with the lowest score will be cut from the competition until only the top three builders to remain for the final round. The scoring method is detailed one section below.
Each admitted contender will be assigned to one of nine identical rooms. The building space available measures at 19x19x17. That's 19 blocks wide, 19 blocks long, and 17 blocks high. Each contender may submit up to 4 shulker boxes of material. Silverhand will provide four shulkers of default materials (Stone, Wood, Clay, Wool, Dye, etc.) The submitted materials will be the only blocks/resources available to the contender for all rounds of competition, so pack wisely.
Speaking of rounds, each round will be a total of 35 minutes. We feel that 5 minutes of planning and 30 minutes of building will be sufficient for the competitors to be able to show off their skill while keeping the competition running in a timely manner. Each round will have a different category which will be unknown to the competitors until the beginning of the planning period of each round. Again, pack wisely. You never know what the next round may hold!
Another interesting difference between running a PvP event and a non-PvP event comes in the form of scoring. It is easy to see who wins in a clash of steel, but in a competition like this, how will we know who comes out on top?
Judged by an impartial panel of three judges, yet to be selected, each build will be subjected to the following criteria:
- Theme/Practicality
- Creativity/Originality
- Beauty
Also, we are currently working out a way to allow the spectators to vote for their favorite builds each round. The crowd favorite will be rewarded an extra 3 points, with the second and third place favorites each gaining 2 and 1 points respectively.
Final scores will be determined by the Final Round scores. The winner is the player with the highest score after the Final Round is tallied.
A big part of the reason we are not revealing the category for each round until the moment before is to avoid copy-cat builds and unfair planning. In the spirit of competition and fairness, here are the rules:
- Schematica, or any mod similar, may not be used.
- DCing or lagging out during a round will not be cause for a redo or a time extension.
- Competitors may not bring anything but food and tools into the build space.
- Builders may not grief the build area.
- Only the materials in the shulker boxes submitted may be used in the builds.
- Any category is fair game. If the category is Desert Oasis and you didn't bring any sand or water, tough.
- Builders may not enter another competitors space.
- Builders may not bring anyone into their space.
- Builders who exit their space early will not be allowed re-entry
The building business is a cut-throat one to be sure, and that's why this event is a winner-takes-all!Winnings
Mag and Crypt have determined that, provided competition is fierce enough, we will be able to award a unique, server-wide title to the winner! The winner of this competition will also be going home with a Lored Brick of Excellence as a trophy, as well as their choice of ten unique heads from the Loka Store to decorate their home town with. It is also quite likely, again, if competition is fierce enough, that the winning build will be added to a special place in Aladra for all to see!
Current Patricipants
Current Patricipants
1. Steve5729
2. Monkss
3. Grubul
4. Zrxes
5. RedisFive
6. Castalina
7. Wizardteepot
8. SaltPigeon
9. NeoT
Competition Stalls
Competition Stalls
PM Mrpisquallie about reserving a stall for your store! Four spaces available.
1: The Queen of Tarts Bakery - Eldritch - Skuhoo
2: Bits and Bobs - Althuan - Donutified
3: Pops Armor Shop - Valinor - Jibblypop
4: The Drunken Fishermen - Firsthold - Kaph
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