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Suggestion simplify placing the warp button


Well-Known Member
It is so insanely counterproductive that the only way to install the damn warp beacon is to rip out the surrounding area, place it and put it all back. WHY? Whats the damn point? Do yall enjoy wasting my time?!?!!???!!? So with that I suggest that there should be an option to define the warp beacon area and place the wool and button without wiping out half the war room in its wake. (this applies to industry buildings also but not as abhorrently annoying) (its just not very in the spirit of "town building" for the mechanic to work like this)
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Well-Known Member
I mean it's obviously not the natural intent, so i'm unsure why the vigorous questioning it's simply an old plug-in, whilst it is a minor inconvenience i imagine the only reason we haven't seen a hasty "fix" to this issue in recent years is simply because there's more important issues

nonetheless +1