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Skuhoo is a heavyhanded thug who should be penalized

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My big bad: I raided an ex-town of mine five days after having left it, unaware of the two-week cooldown period before a town is again lawfully raidable. The admins corrected me in chat and I admitted my mistake. They recommended I return the stolen items or else they could take them directly from my inventory and return them to the town in question. I agreed. Expecting an admin to appear momentarily and smooth things over, I sat tight and awaited further action.

The actions of Skuhoo, hero and vigilante: While I waited for an admin to come help, Skuhoo was silently wishing for me to return the items personally. He didn't tell me this, you understand. He just though it really hard at the computer. He forgot that it isn't enough to think thoughts at people, and that people feel better and safer when their authority figures make their intentions known. Instead, in his infinite and terrible wisdom, he froze my game and accused me of ignoring admins. I told him how I was waiting for an admin to help out. I expressed my opinion that breaking and reentering the town would be absurd.

I failed to recognize the sheer idiocy facing me. Where I saw words and sentences, he saw taunts and insults. He thought I talked too much and should be sat on. He started clenching and unclenching his fists. His fat face reddened and his blubbery lips quivered. He squeezed shut his little pig eyes and blindly mashed the keyboard. His aide overheard the commotion from the next room and rushed to soothe him. When his fit had passed, he realized that he had banned me for twenty-four hours. He hoped no one would notice and get him in trouble. Poor guy.

My ban lifts in a few minutes, so I have nothing material to gain by this. 24 hours? Big deal. I read a book and went on a jog. I only hope Skuhoo understands what happened and is sorry.


Active Member
He told you many times to return the items. You’re always supposed to read rules before playing. He told you many times to give items back. He is also an admin (you can tell by the Guardian Tag on his name). You chose to just keep running off when he tp’d you to spawn. He had to spend time to tp to my town block log everything that you took, locate them, grab them, and bring them to me. I appreciate sku for that. But this is just so disrepectful to him.


Staff member
I'm not sure why you're trying to frame this situation wildly different from what actually happened. To both refresh your memory and clear things up with anyone else reading I've collected together the actual chat logs.

The illegitimate theft was brought to my attention at 5:48pm and I told you then that what you did was against the rules:
5:48 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: thx for the oodles of god armor and weapons
5:48 PM: [Settler] GeekyKidGamer: wait
5:48 PM: [Settler] GeekyKidGamer: ur not allowed to raid
5:48 PM: [Settler] GeekyKidGamer: u left 4 days ago
5:48 PM: [Settler] GeekyKidGamer: u got to wait 2 weeks
5:49 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: I was in their town for a day
5:49 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: I wasn't casing the joint, goodness
5:49 PM: [Settler] GeekyKidGamer: yea but u cant leave and raid
5:49 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: There are like several towns since when I left
5:50 PM: [Guardian] Skuhoo: You cannot raid a town you leave for 2 weeks after leaving it
5:50 PM: [Settler] GeekyKidGamer: you have to wait 2 weeks
5:50 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: according to what
5:50 PM: [Guardian] Skuhoo: The rules.
5:50 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: oh ks
5:50 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: where can I read the rules?
5:50 PM: [Guardian] Skuhoo: /rules

After you read the rules you expressed your frustration and claimed you being in the town and your raid had no correlation. I explained that that doesn't matter, and explicitly told you to return the items you stole:
5:51 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: It won't happen again :(
5:52 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: that's so embarrassing
5:52 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: let's take some days to cool off folks
5:52 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: a lot of hasty things have been said
5:53 PM: [guardian] Skuhoo: Wrappedinrain, any items gotten from a raid that breaks the rules are forfeit
5:53 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: this blows, I joined and quit multiple towns in a short period
5:53 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: I was just trying to find a good fit
5:54 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: humph
5:54 PM: [guardian] Skuhoo: So, return the items that were stolen and we'll leave it as a warning with a reminder to always read the /rules.
5:54 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: I scrupulously locked doors behind me
5:54 PM: [Settler] Wrappedinrain: literally no correlation between me being in that town shortly some days ago and it being left open to raid
5:54 PM: [Guardian] Skuhoo: That's not your call to make Wrappedinrain

After nearly 10 minutes of no attempts at returning the items, I froze you and started messaging you again:
[18:02:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> Wrappedinrain] Im getting tired of being ignored
[18:02:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> Wrappedinrain] I told you to return the items
[18:02:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] I was waiting for you to come remove them from my inven
[18:02:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] and I'm not ignoring you if you haven't mesaged me
[18:03:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> Wrappedinrain] I told you to return the items. I didn't tell you to give them to me.

I then teleported both you and Geeky together at spawn and instructed you to drop the items. I was again met with resistance:
[18:03:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] seems like it'd be easier on everyone if you just blinked them out of my inven
[18:04:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] rather then me traversing half a continent of treacherous extreme snowy hills
[18:04:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] you care enough to put in enough effort to freeze me and single me out
[18:04:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> Wrappedinrain] You have a town portal that takes you to spawn
[18:04:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] use your admin skills to take the stuff

At this point you decided the best of course of action to take was to run away. This is when you received you 24 hour tempban. The icing on the cake comes afterwards, though, when I was double checking the items you claimed you had stolen with the actual logs. It was then I discovered almost a double chest of diamond gear/tools that you had conveniently forgot to include.

Also, by the way, it should be mentioned that admins do not have the ability to take items out of online players' inventories, only offline players.
I'm not sure why you're trying to frame this situation wildly different from what actually happened. To both refresh your memory and clear things up with anyone else reading I've collected together the actual chat logs.

The illegitimate theft was brought to my attention at 5:48 and I told you then that what you did was against the rules:

After you read the rules you expressed your frustration and claimed you being in the town and your raid had no correlation. I explained that that doesn't matter, and explicitly told you to return the items you stole:

After nearly 10 minutes of no attempts at returning the items, I froze you and started messaging you again:

I then teleported both you and Geeky together at spawn and instructed you to drop the items. I was again met with resistance:

At this point you decided the best of course of action to take was to run away. This is when you received you 24 hour tempban. The icing on the cake comes afterwards, though, when I was double checking the items you claimed you had stolen with the actual logs. It was then I discovered almost a double chest of diamond gear/tools that you had conveniently forgot to include.

Also, by the way, it should be mentioned that admins do not have the ability to take items out of online players' inventories, only offline players.

This shows you being clumsy and fussy and poorly articulated. What you wanted was for me give you the stuff at spawn. I misunderstood that you wanted me to physically travel back to the town, which would have been stupid. Reading these chats, it's obvious to anyone that I had the wrong idea. My "running away" was a normal reaction to being frozen in place. And the double chest was no secret - had you made yourself clearer I would have willingly handed everything over at spawn. You think a phat conspicuous double chest plated with locked trap doors bursting with priceless diamond plunder sitting in the goddamn center of my town's portal room is my idea of secrecy? Good sleuthing chief. Why is this guy an admin again?
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Staff member
What you wanted was for me give you the stuff at spawn.
5:54 PM: [Guardian] Skuhoo: So, return the items that were stolen and we'll leave it as a warning with a reminder to always read the /rules.
I'm not the owner of the stolen items. Why would I want you to give them to me?

I misunderstood that you wanted me to physically travel back to the town, which would have been stupid. Reading these chats, it's obvious to anyone that I had the wrong idea. My "running away" was a normal reaction to being frozen in place.
Why would you be expected to walk over to the town when all players have a way of teleporting to spawn? Legitimately every single other player would have returned the items at spawn. It's not as if you didn't know of the town portal's existence as I watched you use it multiple times. Furthermore, you were not frozen when you were running away to the town portal, which is backed up by the following logs:
[18:03:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> Wrappedinrain] I told you to return the items. I didn't tell you to give them to me.
[18:03:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Wrappedinrain has been unfrozen and sent back to Plains (173) of Ascalon
[18:03:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleporting...
[18:03:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleporting...
[18:03:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleporting...
[18:03:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleporting...
[18:03:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleporting...
[18:03:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleporting...
[18:03:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] seems like it'd be easier on everyone if you just blinked them out of my inven
[18:04:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] rather then me traversing half a continent of treacherous extreme snowy hills
[18:04:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] you care enough to put in enough effort to freeze me and single me out
[18:04:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Wrappedinrain -> me] use your admin skills to take the stuff

The "Teleporting..." initially is me teleporting you and Geeky together at spawn, but after that it was to prevent you from running away. After you stopped to message me telling me to take the items out of your inventory you again started to run towards the town portal. Considering your inventory was nearly empty at the time, how would taking 5 items out of your inventory when there's a nearly doublechest of stolen items back at your town be at all "easier on everyone"?

You need to take a step back and realize that nobody is going to believe these falsities you've come up with.


Well-Known Member
He started clenching and unclenching his fists. His fat face reddened and his blubbery lips quivered. He squeezed shut his little pig eyes and blindly mashed the keyboard. His aide overheard the commotion from the next room and rushed to soothe him. When his fit had passed, he realized that he had banned me for twenty-four hours. He hoped no one would notice and get him in trouble. Poor guy.
Am I allowed to ask how you know this?

Face cam hax?

Can you tell me ur client pls thx.
I'm not the owner of the stolen items. Why would I want you to give them to me?

Why would you be expected to walk over to the town when all players have a way of teleporting to spawn? Legitimately every single other player would have returned the items at spawn. It's not as if you didn't know of the town portal's existence as I watched you use it multiple times. Furthermore, you were not frozen when you were running away to the town portal, which is backed up by the following logs:

The "Teleporting..." initially is me teleporting you and Geeky together at spawn, but after that it was to prevent you from running away. After you stopped to message me telling me to take the items out of your inventory you again started to run towards the town portal. Considering your inventory was nearly empty at the time, how would taking 5 items out of your inventory when there's a nearly doublechest of stolen items back at your town be at all "easier on everyone"?

You need to take a step back and realize that nobody is going to believe these falsities you've come up with.
Get got you goon


Well-Known Member
If You are asking why skuhoo is an admin
(who is the best one of them. Helping crypt code and in many many other ways)
, i have to ask why isnt your ban longer.

4 years ago you town betrayed me too, in the previous world. And now you get constantly warned not to swear at people with such a hostile attitude.

You know the rules, you just dont follow them.


Well-Known Member
I will go right out and say it, This is one of if not thee most unfair things I've ever seen an admin accused of on loka. You got caught breaking the rules and now you just wan to call the admin that punished you COMPLETELY JUSTLY to get punished? Also Your argument seems to indicate that you mostly just wanted to make this to call Skuhoo mean things. I mean come on, the only mean thing people are aloud to call sku is bald.

Additional Note: Can we please lock this or maybe get this guy a temp ban on the forums? It's just annoying to see every time we respond his anger and toxicity.


Well-Known Member
I failed to recognize the sheer idiocy facing me. Where I saw words and sentences, he saw taunts and insults. He thought I talked too much and should be sat on. He started clenching and unclenching his fists. His fat face reddened and his blubbery lips quivered. He squeezed shut his little pig eyes and blindly mashed the keyboard. His aide overheard the commotion from the next room and rushed to soothe him. When his fit had passed, he realized that he had banned me for twenty-four hours. He hoped no one would notice and get him in trouble.

Anyone else thing this is a good cause to extend the ban for disrespect to admins.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I wish I could say waking up to this forum post surprised me, but unfortunately I'm unable to. While White_Raptor was in our town he wasn't exactly a model member, he didn't listen to many people or wish to contribute towards any major town projects while online. After he left he jumped between towns in which he left within one day (if not then sooner), I can only imagine he was either kicked our left after uncomfortable situations with past owners.

It's honestly frustrating to read that this; for you to be able and to think that through mocking an long time server admin on the forums that it'll make people you were in the right just doesn't make logical sense. Throughout this whole thread you've given no proof of anything whatsoever. For forum threads relating to semi serious accusations such as staff abusing their role it's significantly better to stick to solely facts instead of,
I failed to recognize the sheer idiocy facing me. Where I saw words and sentences, he saw taunts and insults. He thought I talked too much and should be sat on. He started clenching and unclenching his fists. His fat face reddened and his blubbery lips quivered. He squeezed shut his little pig eyes and blindly mashed the keyboard. His aide overheard the commotion from the next room and rushed to soothe him. When his fit had passed, he realized that he had banned me for twenty-four hours. He hoped no one would notice and get him in trouble. Poor guy.

My ban lifts in a few minutes, so I have nothing material to gain by this. 24 hours? Big deal. I read a book and went on a jog. I only hope Skuhoo understands what happened and is sorry.

This forum post is just immature at its root, there is no solid evidence; this is just paragraphs of you trying to shame a staff member. I'm honestly surprised when reading this to see that a staff member hasn't given a punishment for what seems like a personal attack more than anything.
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