So this post is gonna consist of a few different ideas that might work together in some capacity. Either way, they’re mainly geared around jobs, and with Crypt, maybe the other Elder's, and the PvE team working on this sort of thing, these may be completely useless. If that's the case then hooray for being unoriginal! Now buckle up, this may be a bit on the longer side.
First up is town level requirements for jobs. Now, this is very similar to the prestige requirements so it’s not a huge deal, but it could help with a few different situations. What mainly comes to mind is the ability to lock higher prestige rewarding and greater intensity jobs behind being a more experienced town member. Again, it’s similar functionality to the prestige requirements, but this would work better for towns who don’t want to use prestige for their level systems.
Next up we have jobs with a limited amount of completions. This one would be more useful in my mind. Basically, you can just set a limited amount of times this job can be completed. This would be helpful for small jobs to help gather resources for town projects. Say I needed 4 stacks of terracotta, I could create a job for 64 terracotta that can be completed 4 times. So if person A does the job twice and person B does the job twice, neither can complete it more than that. Again, helpful for smaller, more errand style jobs, rather than larger and more intricate ones.
Now we’re going to step a little further from jobs and hit on town NPCs. Every reasonably developed town has a few NPCs; The job keeper, the TGen NPC, the miner, the farmer, the digger, and the lumberjack, maybe more if I'm remembering wrong. Now if you’ll notice here, four of these NPCs have the same functionality, removing lore from items. This is mainly used for making items easier to stack for storage. Most towns also have one or a couple of large storages where they deposit these items. Why not simplify it by removing these four NPCs and replacing them with a single one who you can place wherever you want? Put him in the large storage area there you go, perfect for clearing the lore on all of those pesky items. The biggest issue I could see with this would be in lost convenience with towns with many storage areas and industries that are far apart.
As a side note, being able to place all of the items into a chest-like menu, where you put all the items in and get all the items back at once, without their lore, would be quite convenient.
But say we were to consolidate them... Maybe that could open the door to each town getting another NPC while still putting less stress on the server? You could even just wrap this idea into the lore NPC if wanted. But what if you could select an NPC who hands out certain jobs that the other can’t? It could make for fun little quests where people have to deliver items, like a letter, to the other NPC, who then gives you a job to get the other a thank you gift for something. That one still needs more thought put into than I have so far, and I’m not really sure how it would work specifically, but that’s the best idea I have for it at the moment.
So yes, this now concludes my newest ideas for jobs and NPCs. Now despite my best efforts, I’ve probably missed some glaring problems with how all of this would work, but at the very least the core functionality of these ideas would be a positive change I believe.
Thanks for reading!
First up is town level requirements for jobs. Now, this is very similar to the prestige requirements so it’s not a huge deal, but it could help with a few different situations. What mainly comes to mind is the ability to lock higher prestige rewarding and greater intensity jobs behind being a more experienced town member. Again, it’s similar functionality to the prestige requirements, but this would work better for towns who don’t want to use prestige for their level systems.
Next up we have jobs with a limited amount of completions. This one would be more useful in my mind. Basically, you can just set a limited amount of times this job can be completed. This would be helpful for small jobs to help gather resources for town projects. Say I needed 4 stacks of terracotta, I could create a job for 64 terracotta that can be completed 4 times. So if person A does the job twice and person B does the job twice, neither can complete it more than that. Again, helpful for smaller, more errand style jobs, rather than larger and more intricate ones.
Now we’re going to step a little further from jobs and hit on town NPCs. Every reasonably developed town has a few NPCs; The job keeper, the TGen NPC, the miner, the farmer, the digger, and the lumberjack, maybe more if I'm remembering wrong. Now if you’ll notice here, four of these NPCs have the same functionality, removing lore from items. This is mainly used for making items easier to stack for storage. Most towns also have one or a couple of large storages where they deposit these items. Why not simplify it by removing these four NPCs and replacing them with a single one who you can place wherever you want? Put him in the large storage area there you go, perfect for clearing the lore on all of those pesky items. The biggest issue I could see with this would be in lost convenience with towns with many storage areas and industries that are far apart.
As a side note, being able to place all of the items into a chest-like menu, where you put all the items in and get all the items back at once, without their lore, would be quite convenient.
But say we were to consolidate them... Maybe that could open the door to each town getting another NPC while still putting less stress on the server? You could even just wrap this idea into the lore NPC if wanted. But what if you could select an NPC who hands out certain jobs that the other can’t? It could make for fun little quests where people have to deliver items, like a letter, to the other NPC, who then gives you a job to get the other a thank you gift for something. That one still needs more thought put into than I have so far, and I’m not really sure how it would work specifically, but that’s the best idea I have for it at the moment.
So yes, this now concludes my newest ideas for jobs and NPCs. Now despite my best efforts, I’ve probably missed some glaring problems with how all of this would work, but at the very least the core functionality of these ideas would be a positive change I believe.
Thanks for reading!