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Suggestion Some suggestions for the Quest System


Active Member
I've been experimenting with the current quest system for a while now, and i came up with some improvements/feature to add more possibilities to the quest system and more potential for quests.

Progressive objectives :
We should have a way to do progressive objectives, so that if you have multiple objectives, you can only complete the second objective if you have completed the first objective, and the third only after the second etc.
For example, in the objective menu. they could be an option at the bottom of the menu named "progressive objectives" which, when turned ON, activate progressive objectives.

With that, you wouldn't have to make 3 or 4 different quest for a single story-line. It would help manage all of the quest when you have a lot of them, and it would make it easier, because everything would be in the same place.

Yes, we could just do auto-complete + quest reward to transfer the player to the next quest with new objectives, but when we do this there is a big title that appears in the screen saying "quest completed, and then other one saying "quest accepted", which is annoying if we want those to quest to be both steps of a same quest-line. If we want that to be a thing though, we would have to change this (quest1 being the first step, and quest2 the second) :
if quest2 is marked as a reward from any other quest (quest1 in this situation), and this other quest (quest1) has auto-complete set to ON, then quest2 doesn't displays a big title when accepted, and instead, displays "(name of quest1) quest updated" or something similar. And then if a quest has auto-complete ON and has a quest reward (which is the case for quest1), then it doesn't displays a big title on completion, but instead a message in chat saying "Objective completed" or something. With this, the transition between quest steps would be smoother.

Dialogues and story telling :
The only way to create some sort of dialogues or story telling, for now, is with the description of the quest book (though it pops on your screen only if you accept the quest from an npc, otherwise you have to look at it in /q l) or the on-complete text (but its bugged for now) <- got fixed. I think that having the option for message on completions of objectives wouldn't be a bad idea, and it would go very well with this "progressive objectives" system.

The message on completion of objective could be another option you toggle individually when creating an objective.

An example of the use of this feature would be, for example, you approach a certain area (which is the objective), and a message in the chat (on the completion of the objective) says: "as you approach the house, the air gets cooler" (maybe something more sophisticated, it's just to give a general idea).

So quest description and quest complete message would be inside a book, but an objective completion message would be in the chat (only for you though).

Custom quest items
We do have the option to make certain items hover over the ground, but it would be very cool to have a way to make lored items for quest without having to use orbs and lore it in our inventory and then afterwards selecting it from the quest menu. It wouldn't affect anything since these items are stuck in your /b and it would add more details to the quests.
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