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Sorry//ban appeal


Alright first off sorry if anyone clicked on it. i did not get it from the site after learning it was a real thing. I said it last night and ill say it again. Sorry

Alright so first off i did not know that was a real ip grabber. i knew what a ip grabber is. you can tell it fake. https://gyazo.com/57411f5ef4672219c7d9341a065d57bc it has to be https:blahblahblah;(random letter aka the tracking code) for it to real. But that doesn't matter. That was a bad joke i shouldn't have done. I am sorry for anyone who thought it was real. If i get unban that will be great if not. Its all g. Sorry again



Staff member
While we appreciate the attempt, and the apology, we're going to keep the tempban. Frankly, it seems like you rushed this post. You didn't take very much time write it, and further it's not in the right place. To us this seems like you really don't care that much.

We'll seeya back in a week's time.