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Implement in Future Spanish Speaking Chat


Well-Known Member
As of right now, there is a large amount of Spanish Speaking players who play daily on Loka, and use Spanish as their primary language. I think that because of the English in main chat only rule, they are limited in their conversational abilities, even more so if they are unable to actually speak English fluently. I believe that it would be beneficial to the Spanish speaking community if they were to have their own chat that they could converse in that would be perhaps monitored by Spanish speaking staff. Either this or allow them to speak in main chat, and just have monitors watching the chat. We would obviously need more staff members who can understand Spanish and can speak it fluently, but I feel as if that wouldn't be that much of a headache since we do have a lot of people who would potentially fill the role. The Spanish community could perhaps have a few people in it who would volunteer to monitor chat, and could apply for the role, similarly to Sentry. This would help tear down the language barrier we have on Loka, by allowing equal opportunity for them to speak in their native language in public chat. This could either be done by creating a separate chat that players can chose to mute, or allowing them to type in General chat, with the monitors being able to monitor both languages at the same time. Now this could be difficult, but I don't believe it would be that much more of a hassle.

Edit: Like Jewy stated, we could have it be /ch s, and have it mutable to players who do not understand Spanish or wish to not see it.


Well-Known Member
This is something that we've spoken about within Sentry chat on one occasion at the very least, and is something that I would like to see. The issue as it stands is trying to monitor it and ensure what's happening within the chat is clean and not breaking our rules. This is where the Sentry team comes in, however all of Loka's Sentries (except Fataldeath) are not fluent enough in Spanish to do this. Google Translate is ok, but certainly not enough to really understand it quickly, or understand the context and slang used in conversation.
The Spanish community could perhaps have a few people in it who would volunteer to monitor chat, and could apply for the role, similarly to Sentry
I don't think adding another rank is needed, those people could apply for Sentry. Even if their English isn't 100%, I see no problem with having Spanish speaking players go for Sentry provided they are well qualified for the job.

The issue is finding these peeps. I know there's probably plenty of well qualified Spanish speakers, the issue is just the language barrier. Many of Loka's resident Spanish speakers don't know about the staffing of this server due to them not being able to read any of the writing on it, which definitely sucks. I think that before a chat is added there needs to be more Sentries capable of moderating it.

Tldr; yes please do this but first we need to make sure we have the people in place in order to manage and moderate it, to keep Loka clean for both the English and Spanish speakers.


Well-Known Member
The issue is finding these peeps. I know there's probably plenty of well qualified Spanish speakers, the issue is just the language barrier. Many of Loka's resident Spanish speakers don't know about the staffing of this server due to them not being able to read any of the writing on it, which definitely sucks. I think that before a chat is added there needs to be more Sentries capable of moderating it.
This 100% needs to happen when Loka gets more Spanish-speaking Sentries. Spanish Sentries may need to know some English to communicate with the rest of staff. With only 1 Spanish-speaking sentry, the Spanish public chat may be a wild west. The "English only in public chat rule" was made during a time where there were very few groups that occasionally spoke different languages in public chat.

To anyone that can speak Spanish and believe that you are qualified for Sentry, please apply for Sentry.