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Spooder Unban Appeal

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New Member
Hello LokaMC,
I have taken a break from diamond pot for a while, this includes every server along with Loka. I am willing to bring back memories on the Loka and create new ones that are super hard to create. It has been more than a year since my ban from the server, but along with more than 4 months on my last appeal. I am taking another shot because I have been playing netherite pot recently for a long long time. I have been able to control my mouth, and body language this includes any server whether I die or I get ganked. I have improved over the years and am willing to get another opportunity to get unbanned from the LokaMC server so I can play with my friends and brother Bloody. This is all I have to say.

Your Friendly Neighborhood,


+1 he’s grown a lot I think he can keep his emotions in check a lot better. Deserves a chance to redeem himself, kid made a mistake and he regrets it


Old One
Staff member
Old One
You appear to show no remorse for your actions and have put little effort into your appeal. This coupled with how terrible your previous appeals have been (which included AI written one) and your bad history, does not look great. We will be rejecting this appeal.
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