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sportsine's Ban Appeal

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New Member
  • In-game name: sportsine

  • Ban/Mute length: perm

  • Why were you banned/muted?: Flying

  • Why should we unban/unmute you?: Not very many people know me because I don't play very often but I was banned for flying in my town to joke around with some friends and I do so very regret making that choice. I would like to come back to Loka to build for my town, I don't show up to fights anyway so i wouldn't PVP hack ever. I'm sorry for hacking on the server I will not hack on it again. I understand if my ban should not be revoked due to my past ban but I have no intention to use hacks on the server again. Like I said before i just would like to build for my town and help them with town grinding for fights. I hope you take my appeal into consideration.
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Old One
Staff member
Old One
9 months ago - temp banned for hacking in ranked duels
9 months ago - ban extended to 30 days for ban evading and still using hacks on alt account
3 weeks ago - banned for flying and speed (also suspected of hacking in duels again)

You have a history of hacking on the server and not enough time has passed since your ban. As a result, we will not be lifting the ban at this time. We appreciate your honesty and apology, but since it has only been 3 weeks we cannot lift it yet.
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