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Implemented Stopping Ranked Seasons.


Well-Known Member
So basically this ranked season, next to no one has been queuing at all. This is because people are either getting burned out or just stopping (Or maybe its broken IDK.) but I think we should stop the ranked seasons. One of the main problems I see happening if we don't is the titles and helmets are going to be too common. Currently this month the 10th place spot is shared 3 ways with each person only having 1518 elo. If any of these 3 were to get duelist it would be somewhat weird seeing as how they did next to nothing to obtain that rank. The exact same problem is very common with the Angler title. Fishing tournaments are held too frequently and Angler is exceedingly common now. In fact that's the title's tier: Common. However the titles of Duelist and Gladiator or Rare and Epic respectively. However within 5 months of now since everyone can get those titles effortlessly they would be common titles.

This is the main problem I see right now, I will add more if I see more.


Well-Known Member
I still think you should lose your title from season to season if you did not earn it again to encourage people to keep queuing. Otherwise if you already got the top title, whats the point in the queue unless you want the next Hero title?

Regardless, there really aren't many people interested in duels unless its against specific people. Even with all the ways to make it more difficult to choose who you do and don't queue against, there are people in VCs that don't join when people in the group get matched as the same time as them (and that was when ranked was more active). There just isn't any motivation for anyone to actually take part anymore and they just queue purely to get their friends the titles now and now that all their friends have titles, well, they're done. Also the only people who would actually queue were a single group mainly. There isn't enough motivation/activity for such a system to work it seems


Well-Known Member
So I know I'm not really supposed to Necro Post these things but I'm going to since it was an Issue that as far as I'm aware was only touched upon by mag in a vc with me for a minute or two. I'd like to know the thoughts of Crypt and Mag on this idea and more proposed solutions.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We will be making an announcement about it soon. We would not allow people to obtain the titles in the current system as effortlessly as you say since we require a certain number of matches played for an individual to receive a title. Like Pear brought up the issue is people not being as competitive as we anticipated. We were hoping the system would regulate itself like most of Loka does. In this instance players would want to finish high every season to keep their title rare and meaningful. Turns out that was not the case which is disappointing. We had also hoped collecting a different coloured helmet every season would be an added incentive.

As a result we will be extending the length of the season so players do not get as burnt out. They will now be 3 months long as opposed to 1 month. The prowess rewards will remain the same which should mean they are easy to obtain.