So basically this ranked season, next to no one has been queuing at all. This is because people are either getting burned out or just stopping (Or maybe its broken IDK.) but I think we should stop the ranked seasons. One of the main problems I see happening if we don't is the titles and helmets are going to be too common. Currently this month the 10th place spot is shared 3 ways with each person only having 1518 elo. If any of these 3 were to get duelist it would be somewhat weird seeing as how they did next to nothing to obtain that rank. The exact same problem is very common with the Angler title. Fishing tournaments are held too frequently and Angler is exceedingly common now. In fact that's the title's tier: Common. However the titles of Duelist and Gladiator or Rare and Epic respectively. However within 5 months of now since everyone can get those titles effortlessly they would be common titles.
This is the main problem I see right now, I will add more if I see more.
This is the main problem I see right now, I will add more if I see more.