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Implement in Future Sub-Owners and Alliances


Active Member
So, this isn't really a suggestion per say, but something I found and would like to point out. Recently, I've been looking into the alliance commands, and honestly, they're pretty weird. I'd say this had to start with the fact that I found out that only main owners can accept an invite to an alliance. I decided if there was anything I could do regarding alliances since I am a sub-owner myself. I found out that I can use the /g a leave command and anything regarding actually making an alliance however the one thing stuck with me, the fact that you can't accept an alliance invite as a sub-owner. This seems strange because essentially your sub-owner can make everything else people would imagine others wouldn't be able to do (aka leave an alliance). Something like this should be either all or nothing, make sub-owners be able to do everything regarding making an alliance or not let them do anything at all.

Thank you, Otaku
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Active Member
This seems very strange, because when the EP alliance first formed, I remember inviting Firsthold to the alliance not thinking it would work (as level 3 or 4).

Also I'd like to add a suggestion, make a role that acts as sub-owner of alliance that the owner can give to anyone, this way you don't have any subowner of the town able to mess stuff up.