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No Plans to Implement Sub-Owners Being able to report incidents when full owner can't log on


Sub Owners should have more power in certain situations. Recently a town has had a huge town betrayal and the Full owner is gone with IRL things and can't log on to transfer or report the incident. Meanwhile a Sub owner tried to report the incident and nothing was done. Items were lost, blocks destroyed and nothing has been done.

Town betrayal in situations can be devistating to towns and nothing can be done unless a full owner reports it? What if the town owner is banned and can't report it, what then?
Sub owners should have the ability to report town betryals so that it can get resolved sooner than later especially if the full owner can't log on. If this is not an option, add it so someone can be a stand in full owner.


Staff member
I don't think you have the full story here. We pull from backups for major griefs and to do that Crypt needs to be around. If he's not we have to wait until he is. Any delays in handling the incident you're talking about has absolutely nothing to do with a subowner reporting it instead of the full owner.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you have the full story here. We pull from backups for major griefs and to do that Crypt needs to be around. If he's not we have to wait until he is. Any delays in handling the incident you're talking about has absolutely nothing to do with a subowner reporting it instead of the full owner.
Yeah basically what Sku said here, and even if the full owner had to report it, they most likely will have discord around to PM a Guardian or above (in most cases anyways).


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I would also like to point out that in a lot of cases it is the subowners who are betraying. The Owner is the only one who can say whether it is town betrayal, that is not going to change.


Well-Known Member
yeah members cant really do much ''town betrayal'' most of the time subowner do it so i dont think they have the right to report for it