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Suggestion Subowners making other people subowners


Well-Known Member
Currently it's possible for subowners of a town to make other people subowners but not remove them should it have been accidental, which can happen by forgetting the z in /town z addowner and mixing up the order of the zone and player. As I see it there's 4 options to prevent mishaps:

- Disabling subowners adding subowners (probably the quickest fix)
- Enabling subowners removing other subowners (dangerous)
- Making a permission for full owners to toggle subowners adding/removing subowners
- Prevent the command from working if there's anything typed after the player name


Well-Known Member
I think that adding a permission for this, as well as a level 6 permission to towns (the absolute owner's permission level) would definitely fix this problem. It'd give the absolute owner a little bit more freedom to mess with the permissions of their subowners for things like inviting people to alliances, accepting alliance invites, adding subowners, etc. I recall that we may have spoken about this in LCR chat at some point or another, however I don't remember the details of the conversation fully.

Tl;dr I think giving owners more fine control over what their subowners can and cannot do is definitely a good thing, especially if you've got an insanely big town (ie. two months ago multiple people had been given owner without my knowledge). This suggestion, coupled with Froggy's town audit log suggestion would allow for owners to have MUCH better control and knowledge over what happens in their towns.