Pet Class lore based Idea
(The Necros-Mage)
(The Necros-Mage)
- Profane Body: You now have a resistance to poison and wither effects 25% (equipment upgrade)
- Profane Armor: Your Summons now have better equipment from the looted bodies of the dead who you fight. Gives your summons the same leather armor and Sword as other combatants have( basic vota equipment) (Equipment Upgrade)
- Profaned Regeneration: Your Healing pots are now turned into Splash potions of Poison (basic splash potion of poison), and you now are harmed by Healing potions and Regeneration effects while you are healed by Harming and Poison effects (This does NOT include Wither or other damage) You also gain the Profaning the Weak passive effect You (and you alone) regen 1 potion of poison every 60 seconds (Equipment Upgrade & Passive)
- Profaned Word: You yell out in an ancient tongue a profane curse weakening enemies in the area around you with weakness I and Nausia I (CD 45s)
- Profaned Ritual: Years of practice and study allows you to summon 1 Zombie and 1 Skeleton near you. They target only enemies who attack you or You attack. (basicly Wolf AI) They remain until ether killed or for 60 seconds. (CD 60s)
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