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Superpedroj Mute Appeal

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New Member
Hello, I am here to appeal my permanent mute on loka.When I first came to loka, I was recruited off another server and I never thought that loka would be actually fun and I would enjoy my time on here.I joined the server to troll people in general chat, but after I played it for some time, I understood that what I did was wrong and I apologize for it, so I think I should be given another chance.Thank you.


+1 I've known pedro for around 7 months and he is a honest and great guy to be around in and outside of minecraft. I think that he deserves this unmute like the other people who have been recently unmuted.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We feel enough time has passed considering the offence so we will be lifting your mute. Please be aware that any further chat offences will result in being perma muted again. So please treat it as if you are on a warning.
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