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Suggestion Supply Drops!


Active Member
Basically I think it would be a great idea to have Supply drops in the Gank Isle, as it can make people fight each other more and it's extra fun, like a supply drops every 30/60mins but to make it more fun make them have good loot sometimes and bad loot sometimes so it makes it more scary to go for it cause there will be people there waiting for you even tho you can get a W out of it or you just end up dying for nothing. for example Ais, gp, pearls, diamonds, shards anything could be in the loot drop.


Well-Known Member
I think this would be really cool but i think it shouldnt be every 30 mins to 1 hour

However this would be a great addition to zyre


Old One
Staff member
Old One
This is something that was discussed during development, along with numerous other extra mechanics, however, we were concerned that after removing a huge item sink (dying in the void and consuming pots/pearls at end ganks) adding this would cause inflation. Ways of funding these drops could include being charged shards every time you drop on Zyre or taking a portion of the refunded consumables. We decided to keep Zyre on the more conservative side (avoiding gimmicks) for launch but will look at the data and feedback over the coming weeks to see what extra mechanics it would benefit from (if any). Good suggestion though, keep the feedback coming.