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Consider Implementing sword void storage


Well-Known Member
I think my fellow town (sub) owners can agree on this!

I would like to see if you can store knockback and non knockback sword separately, its quite annoying if you have alot of sword that the knockback sword are mixed with the non knockback swords. (especially if you dont use a texture pack wich makes you see the differance)

so my idea is that knockback and non knockback swords can be stored in different chest or pages in void storages


Well-Known Member
This would be nice but in LCR chat I suggested better storage of enchanted items and the verdict was basically that it would be too difficult to implement, unsure if that's changed but I doubt that it has :confused:


Active Member
Just use regular chests if that's a problem. It already sorts based off of what enchants there are on any piece of armor or tool, if it's full durability, and has the same name.