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Syndicate's Story


Active Member

I was searching up some things about one of my favorite YouTubers, Syndicate, and came across this. This video is definitely worth the watch.

If you don't want to watch the video, then I'll give you a brief summary. Tom (Also known as Syndicate) is a well known YouTuber who's channel is mainly based around Minecraft. In the video, he describes how his grandmother had an illness called Motor Neuron disease that caused her to pass. Tom is now trying to raise €133,337 to help look for a cure and is nearly there. Overall, he's a great guy as well as a YouTuber who is definitely worth a look.

I'm not sure if Loka forums were the best place to share this video, but I felt that some of the Lokans out there would take this video to heart as much as I did.
Enjoy - East <3
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Well-Known Member
Motor Neurone disease is a really horrible disease and it's good you're raising awareness of it East, thanks. Very few escape it (Stephen Hawking) and it's a very difficult thing for families of victims to see.


Not to be disrespectful, but doesn't he already make ton of money just from his huge youtube channel? If I'm not wrong, he has amongst the biggest youtube channels with millions of subs?


Active Member
Yes, he makes profit from his YouTube channel but all of the donations he's recieving is going ONLY towards research for a cure to Motor Neurone disease. He's not taking any of the money for himself if that's what you thought.