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Consider Implementing Taxes to adjust with territories


Well-Known Member
Upon my arrival in Stromgarde I came to see that we were paying nearly 150 shards for 0 territories. Torkey didn't update the cost for the current territories so we were basically paying for extra territories when we had none. My suggestion/bug fix (idk) is so that the alliance territory cost updates with the taxes each town is paying.


Staff member
The onus is on the alliance leader to set the alliance's dues. Currently if you're a member of an alliance, the number of territories your town owns doesn't directly determine your dues. It's simply a common practice to set dues based on a alliance member's number of territories as that is what increases the alliance owner's costs. Forcing that would remove virtually all the freedom alliance owners have to handle their alliance costs whichever way best fits them.


Well-Known Member
It would be a good Quality of Life addition to automate this process, however - since it is common practice. There is no need to force alliances to use the system, as I agree that would remove alliance's freedom with taxes, but it would be useful to have as an option.