Five years ago today, I joined Loka. Five years. That’s half a decade, you guys. I’m only 17, so that’s almost a third of my life. When I joined, I was 12, immature, naïve. I’m not saying I’m mature now that I’m 17, but I’ve definitely grown up a lot. Some of you who have known me from the beginning quite literally saw me grow up. I mean, since joining Loka I’ve gone through two major moves and attended three different schools. I’ve had lots of support, from this very community though. There are so many people, from the very beginning to now that I need to thank for their impact, great or small, on my life.
(This is just a small fraction of the people I'm grateful for. I decided to do this like two weeks ago and I've been super busy. If I missed you, don't feel bad! Let me know and I'll thank you private.
Defgnw: You were the first person I met on Loka. You messaged me, letting me know that I shouldn’t trust Psychedelic98. Later you offered me a tour of your town, Der Riese, if I stuck around. You also added that I probably wouldn’t stick around, and being the stubborn child that I was, I was determined to prove you wrong. So I stayed, fell in love, and that’s where it all began. With you. I don’t know if I would have stayed or not, but regardless, I certainly proved you wrong.
You also helped me meet Artagan and Leasaur, which I can’t thank you enough for. Regardless, I’ll try: Thank you for everything, Def.
Leasaur: One of my best friends then, one of my best friends now. I met you in Der Riese, I believe, and I remember you were the first person I ever beat in 1v1 Arenas. (You’re much better now.
) I don’t remember much from our first meeting, but I remember you agreeing to create Talongon with Laz and Mox and I on the “new world.” Throughout all the years I’ve known you, I’ve always looked up to you. You were, and are, kind, smart, supportive, trustworthy, a good listener, and always an amazing friend. Together we went on to create Dellsmite, Citadel, Cerulean, and Caeldris. We write together, confide in each other, and help each other. You’ve even helped me with my science homework on multiple occasions. You also recommended the Inheritance Cycle to me, now one of my favorite series, and for years we would occasionally speak in its fictional language to each other. Thank you for everything you’ve done and inspired in my life.
Artagan: When we first met, we were in Asgard. You told me to move the house I had just built and it made me upset. So at first, I was somewhat annoyed with you. Then Def told me I could trust you, and and you won me over with your immense knowledge of lore. You taught me the Asgardian Rite, and after Freyjia mentioned you by name I was definitely impressed. I spent the next several years looking up to you. I remember you teaching me how to use some math thing, I forgot what, when I was in seventh grade. You made me the skin I still use. You helped me build my character- both of them. While you helped give Jedoi a background, you convinced me that I am smart, and I am courageous, that I am, in general, pretty cool. I’ll never be able to explain how much you’ve done for me. Thank you, Art.
Andrekeroxd: The epitope if chaotic neutral, I had lots of different feelings about you. You were the one who encouraged me to join the Loka wiki and forums, and gave me a bunch of ink sacs so I could write books. And then you came and visited me in Asgard and then killed me and Lightning, my wolf. Then you apologised, brought me to a clearing in the woods near spawn where you had trapped a wild wolf and helped me “revive” Lightning. Then you helped Psychedelic troll me. After blowing up Der Riese and getting banned, I was a weird mix of anger and sadness. Because you were (mostly) nice to me, but blew up my friend’s town. A few months later, you were unbanned, and on my 13th birthday you gave me a really cool present. Du Skulblaka Sverd, the first sword I used in lore. Lots of different feelings, but in the end, mostly friendship.
Godemox: Back before you could see who was in your town by the tab list, you and I were both in Asgard. Andre sent me a message saying Thieflord304 was about to raid Asgard so I asked if any other Asgardians were on in town chat. Someone with the title of Wayfarer replied. (That’s you.) I let you know that we were being attacked and invited you into the safe room in my house I had made, where we waited while Thief ran around outside. We just chilled there and talked about dragons, and after Crypt had killed or chased Thief off, I forgot which, we played together for several hours and I made a typo, “a bog cow” instead of “a big cow,” which we laughed about for the next several years.
Cryptite: I have several vivid memories of conversations with you. Most of which were 13 and 14 year old me lamenting about how people were being mean, between trolling, raiding, borderline bullying. I appreciate how you spent time talking to me, explaining to me how the internet was, because Loka was the first online community I was apart of, I had no idea what the internet was like. One of the things I remember most was vaguely along the lines of, “the world would be a better place if more people were like you.” It’s been years and I haven’t forgot that.
Magpieman: Did you know that I was super scared of you at first? My first interaction with you was you banning my… friend? Roommate? Idk, some random wanderer I was living with who was X-Raying. I was afraid I was in trouble for living with them. You also has this old one rank the no one else had and I had heard you were the king of this big kingdom or whatever. (Hyrule) Then Albion and Dellsmite became friends and everything was good and now I constantly bug you- I mean ask questions about lore in the old days. Thank you for everything you’ve taught me! And for not banning me!
Mtndome: 10/10 best tree. My first interaction with you was you tping to me while I was fighting a creeper in Asgard’s cow pen, which then blew up and killed the cows. Then I remember giving you like eight stacks of dirt for Albion, rather proud of myself for collecting that much in such a short time. (You needed thousands of stacks, right?) I said you didn’t need to give me anything in return but you gave me baked potatoes anyway. Then you RPed with me a lot and defended me when certain people tried to troll me while we were RPing.
Irishguyisaac: So, you were one of the people who trolled me, not nearly as bad as others, but you did. But right before you quit Loka, you apologised to me. You told me I had remained kind to everyone even when they were making fun of me. You told me I was a good sport who had a sense of honor, and left everything to me. All the riches you passed onto me were used to help people, like you asked me to, and helped to fund my second town,Talongon. So thank you for that.
Lazuli73: Oh man, where to even start? Lazuli. Lazzy. Lazador. Lazzowary. You’ve singlehandedly changed my life. The biggest thing was when you found out I was having issues with depression, you encouraged me to seek out a therapist, which I did, and then I saw that therapist for a year and a half and am in a much better place. I’ve always looked up to you (and not just literally! Tall people…). You’re an builder, an amazing artist, an amazing writer. You can sew and you can paint and you can do all these things I wish I could do. Yeah, I’m pretty jealous, but it’s a good natured jealousy. It’s more pride. I’m proud this incredibly talented person is my friend. (Sidenote, Lazzy suggested the brewing plugin, so everyone should be thanking her.
Ronshaud: I have so much to say to you, brother. I remember bringing you and Steel to Dellsmite all the time ago. I remember mob fishing in the lake, pranking our town members, and founding several other towns with you. We rped together, fought side by side, visited lots of towns, and I named a frog after you.
Steelerfan12345: Steel, let me start by saying I’m so glad you’re back on Loka. Do you remember meeting Ron, who joined around the same time as you, and living in a hole in the ground together? Laz and I invited you to Dellsmite were you became one of our best builders, and one of our best friends.
Midgamerx/Harlum_II: You’re one of the craziest and deepest people I’ve ever meet. One moment you’re super silly and make weird quotes, the next you’re talking about meaningful music, poetry, and literature.
MasterAegon: Fun fact, not too long after you posted your first GoT-esque lore story, I decided to read it because lots of other Lokans were talking about it. Should a 14 year old have been reading Game of Thrones? Probably not, but I still wear a jacket with House Stark on it. You (and other Lokans) were the reason I started reading now one of my favorite books!
Opyc: Memes aside, there are two moments that I really remember from a long time ago. When the first Valley of the Artifacts tournament was planned, a few people were joking about me and my lack of PvP skills, and you defended me, saying that I played the objective well and you wouldn’t mind having me on your team. The other time was when X_Cavator came and raided Freesia, and insulted me. You and Argus proceeded to declare war on Osiris and within like a week took all of their territory and raided them dry. It really, really made me feel better.
Mopb3: You know, Mop, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have passed freshmen algebra if it wasn’t for you. Or survived that year in general. It was tough, but you were always there for me. You taught me the proper way (the British way) of writing algebraic x’s, and recommended I learn cursive, which I did, and I appreciate that. That, and the endless moral support.
Gabrosen: Two years ago, I gave my Gift of Endurance to you. I thought I was going inactive, turns out I didn’t, but I still think you deserve it. It’s been a pleasure seeing you learn and mature over the past several years.
Grubul: You brought me to Auru, and I cannot thank you enough for that. Because of you, I not only made a new friend (you), but countless friends. You also taught me lots of Guardian things.
Ajakan: Ajaxan.I legitimately made a typo when writing your name, and I’m just leaving it because it’s perfect. An awesome leader, an awesome friend, an awesome writer, and a horrible speller. I’m so thankful for the time we spent in Auru, teaching and guiding each other. I remember teaching you about all the religions of Loka, and together we started Auru on the path of Ancient Worship. I remember being proud to be an Aurulian when you and Xovious led us into battle to reclaim our homeland, and even when we lost, you would say something that would keep us fired up and ready to fight. I remember laughing and joking alongside you and our many friends as we built up our city. I remember roleplaying and writing lore with you. And I remember how sad I was, and still feel, when you left. You were one of the greatest leaders Auru has ever had, and we miss you! But regardless, Auru survives, so thank you for founding that amazing town, for helping it grow, and for being my friend.
Xovious/Asymphir: The first time you messaged me, I was pretty inactive, but you wanted to learn more about lore. So, I happily started ranting to you! I started playing more often so that I could hang out with you. You helped me build Caeldris, and we would spent hours chatting about random things on skype. You became one of my best friends really quickly. Together, alongside other Aurulians we built up our humble city into something amazing. We fought and died together as we reclaimed Kalros, and when it was time for Ajax to leave, you nominated me for leader and I nominated you. You won, which I was glad about, and I happily stood by your side as we led our town together. When you went to Ascalon, you trusted me with Auru, our home, and while I could never live up to you or Ajax, I’ve done alright I guess. There are a lot of people who aren’t as fond of you as I am, but you’ll always be a hero in my eyes. You’re the best honorary big brother I could ask for.
Benged: The Trickster, the King of the Skies, and the Punmaster of Auru. I have lots of memories of you brightening a dark situation. The first to come to mind is “Go Ajax! Clean the floor! From all the blood in the moor!” You also taught me how to use an elytra.
Iyoforeayo: You’ve inspired me time and time again with your skill in building, and more importantly, writing. You just waltzed into Loka and wrote one of the most incredible series of lore I’ve ever seen. Then you build and rebuilt countless things in Auru, including my own house, which I love. We have the best high architect ever.
Wizardteepot: So much to say… I don’t even know where to start. Well let’s see. You logged in and were stuck in the intro chat. You seemed smart and mature, because you used grammar, and seemed to have an interest in lore. So, I tried to befriend you. Not sure if I was successful.
Here we are, over a year later… My husband in lore and best friend. I have lots of emotions I can’t even put into words. Just, thank you for being amazing and wonderful. Also, thank you for writing GHT. (We all need more!)
Thanius: Such a good son. You’re smart, kind, talented, and a good sport about being teased a lot.
Ky: I don’t know you too well, which is really sad considering you’re my son’s wife! We definitely need to fix that. Let me know if I ever need to yell at Thani for you. <3
Castalina: For bringing lots of RPers to Loka and encouraging everyone, myself included to partake in RP more often! You’re super awesome, thank you so much for all you’ve done for the lore community!
Kaph: We literally started talking super recently, and now you’re my son. That’s good, you’re very kind, and I’m glad you’re apart of our little family.
Xlan: I don’t know you well either, but you’re also married to my son. So, welcome to the family. You’d better take care of him.
And people I had to mention but ran out of time to write long paragraphs about!
JocelynReed: For teaching me how to be a Sentry.
FatPoulet: For trying to help me learn French and for being awesome in general.
MrAlchemy: For making some of the best builds in history and for organising the architect team. (Or was that Mag? I think it was both of you.)
Saporium: For building Auru’s walls.
Shadow_Fox: For keeping Auru safe when no one else was there do to it.
TempestBlood: For being the spark that started LICA and Asmund.
Nokia: For fighting for my friends (holy cow, that’s an alliteration).
BorkMork: For leading Arvik, even when it was stressful, and keeping Asmund inspired.
CompanionCraft: For helping lead Asmund.
Turtlemaster: For being my friend and writing and rping with me.
Tyrriel: For being kind and helpful to everyone, including me.
Falksi: For introducing me to an epic dragon game.
Skuhoo: For making EB and helping Loka as a whole.
Lottaine: For teaching me how to be a Guardian and coming with Lazzy down to Minnesota to visit me.
Longfellow: For the writing advice and memes.
Rayward and Zorros: For inspiring me.
And last but far from least:
Melian: For helping keep RP and lore alive.
Loka: While it may seem silly to some, you gave me a renewed sense of purpose. I’ve never exactly had a lot of friends, but now I have more than I can count. I’ve never felt apart of something before, but now I am undoubtedly a Lokan, and proud to be one.
You: If you read all of that, thank you. If you’re only reading this, thank you. If somehow you’re not reading this, congratulations, you defied physics. You shouldn’t know what this is saying if you’re not reading this. Yikes, I’m going off on a tangent. Anyways, thank you-yes, I’m talking to you. Not just anyone, but you- Thank you for being a Lokan. Each one of us has had an influence on this world of ours, and each of us has made it into the wonderful place we love.
(This is just a small fraction of the people I'm grateful for. I decided to do this like two weeks ago and I've been super busy. If I missed you, don't feel bad! Let me know and I'll thank you private.

Defgnw: You were the first person I met on Loka. You messaged me, letting me know that I shouldn’t trust Psychedelic98. Later you offered me a tour of your town, Der Riese, if I stuck around. You also added that I probably wouldn’t stick around, and being the stubborn child that I was, I was determined to prove you wrong. So I stayed, fell in love, and that’s where it all began. With you. I don’t know if I would have stayed or not, but regardless, I certainly proved you wrong.

Leasaur: One of my best friends then, one of my best friends now. I met you in Der Riese, I believe, and I remember you were the first person I ever beat in 1v1 Arenas. (You’re much better now.

Artagan: When we first met, we were in Asgard. You told me to move the house I had just built and it made me upset. So at first, I was somewhat annoyed with you. Then Def told me I could trust you, and and you won me over with your immense knowledge of lore. You taught me the Asgardian Rite, and after Freyjia mentioned you by name I was definitely impressed. I spent the next several years looking up to you. I remember you teaching me how to use some math thing, I forgot what, when I was in seventh grade. You made me the skin I still use. You helped me build my character- both of them. While you helped give Jedoi a background, you convinced me that I am smart, and I am courageous, that I am, in general, pretty cool. I’ll never be able to explain how much you’ve done for me. Thank you, Art.
Andrekeroxd: The epitope if chaotic neutral, I had lots of different feelings about you. You were the one who encouraged me to join the Loka wiki and forums, and gave me a bunch of ink sacs so I could write books. And then you came and visited me in Asgard and then killed me and Lightning, my wolf. Then you apologised, brought me to a clearing in the woods near spawn where you had trapped a wild wolf and helped me “revive” Lightning. Then you helped Psychedelic troll me. After blowing up Der Riese and getting banned, I was a weird mix of anger and sadness. Because you were (mostly) nice to me, but blew up my friend’s town. A few months later, you were unbanned, and on my 13th birthday you gave me a really cool present. Du Skulblaka Sverd, the first sword I used in lore. Lots of different feelings, but in the end, mostly friendship.
Godemox: Back before you could see who was in your town by the tab list, you and I were both in Asgard. Andre sent me a message saying Thieflord304 was about to raid Asgard so I asked if any other Asgardians were on in town chat. Someone with the title of Wayfarer replied. (That’s you.) I let you know that we were being attacked and invited you into the safe room in my house I had made, where we waited while Thief ran around outside. We just chilled there and talked about dragons, and after Crypt had killed or chased Thief off, I forgot which, we played together for several hours and I made a typo, “a bog cow” instead of “a big cow,” which we laughed about for the next several years.
Cryptite: I have several vivid memories of conversations with you. Most of which were 13 and 14 year old me lamenting about how people were being mean, between trolling, raiding, borderline bullying. I appreciate how you spent time talking to me, explaining to me how the internet was, because Loka was the first online community I was apart of, I had no idea what the internet was like. One of the things I remember most was vaguely along the lines of, “the world would be a better place if more people were like you.” It’s been years and I haven’t forgot that.
Magpieman: Did you know that I was super scared of you at first? My first interaction with you was you banning my… friend? Roommate? Idk, some random wanderer I was living with who was X-Raying. I was afraid I was in trouble for living with them. You also has this old one rank the no one else had and I had heard you were the king of this big kingdom or whatever. (Hyrule) Then Albion and Dellsmite became friends and everything was good and now I constantly bug you- I mean ask questions about lore in the old days. Thank you for everything you’ve taught me! And for not banning me!

Mtndome: 10/10 best tree. My first interaction with you was you tping to me while I was fighting a creeper in Asgard’s cow pen, which then blew up and killed the cows. Then I remember giving you like eight stacks of dirt for Albion, rather proud of myself for collecting that much in such a short time. (You needed thousands of stacks, right?) I said you didn’t need to give me anything in return but you gave me baked potatoes anyway. Then you RPed with me a lot and defended me when certain people tried to troll me while we were RPing.
Irishguyisaac: So, you were one of the people who trolled me, not nearly as bad as others, but you did. But right before you quit Loka, you apologised to me. You told me I had remained kind to everyone even when they were making fun of me. You told me I was a good sport who had a sense of honor, and left everything to me. All the riches you passed onto me were used to help people, like you asked me to, and helped to fund my second town,Talongon. So thank you for that.
Lazuli73: Oh man, where to even start? Lazuli. Lazzy. Lazador. Lazzowary. You’ve singlehandedly changed my life. The biggest thing was when you found out I was having issues with depression, you encouraged me to seek out a therapist, which I did, and then I saw that therapist for a year and a half and am in a much better place. I’ve always looked up to you (and not just literally! Tall people…). You’re an builder, an amazing artist, an amazing writer. You can sew and you can paint and you can do all these things I wish I could do. Yeah, I’m pretty jealous, but it’s a good natured jealousy. It’s more pride. I’m proud this incredibly talented person is my friend. (Sidenote, Lazzy suggested the brewing plugin, so everyone should be thanking her.

Ronshaud: I have so much to say to you, brother. I remember bringing you and Steel to Dellsmite all the time ago. I remember mob fishing in the lake, pranking our town members, and founding several other towns with you. We rped together, fought side by side, visited lots of towns, and I named a frog after you.
Steelerfan12345: Steel, let me start by saying I’m so glad you’re back on Loka. Do you remember meeting Ron, who joined around the same time as you, and living in a hole in the ground together? Laz and I invited you to Dellsmite were you became one of our best builders, and one of our best friends.
Midgamerx/Harlum_II: You’re one of the craziest and deepest people I’ve ever meet. One moment you’re super silly and make weird quotes, the next you’re talking about meaningful music, poetry, and literature.
MasterAegon: Fun fact, not too long after you posted your first GoT-esque lore story, I decided to read it because lots of other Lokans were talking about it. Should a 14 year old have been reading Game of Thrones? Probably not, but I still wear a jacket with House Stark on it. You (and other Lokans) were the reason I started reading now one of my favorite books!
Opyc: Memes aside, there are two moments that I really remember from a long time ago. When the first Valley of the Artifacts tournament was planned, a few people were joking about me and my lack of PvP skills, and you defended me, saying that I played the objective well and you wouldn’t mind having me on your team. The other time was when X_Cavator came and raided Freesia, and insulted me. You and Argus proceeded to declare war on Osiris and within like a week took all of their territory and raided them dry. It really, really made me feel better.
Mopb3: You know, Mop, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have passed freshmen algebra if it wasn’t for you. Or survived that year in general. It was tough, but you were always there for me. You taught me the proper way (the British way) of writing algebraic x’s, and recommended I learn cursive, which I did, and I appreciate that. That, and the endless moral support.
Gabrosen: Two years ago, I gave my Gift of Endurance to you. I thought I was going inactive, turns out I didn’t, but I still think you deserve it. It’s been a pleasure seeing you learn and mature over the past several years.
Grubul: You brought me to Auru, and I cannot thank you enough for that. Because of you, I not only made a new friend (you), but countless friends. You also taught me lots of Guardian things.
Ajakan: Ajaxan.I legitimately made a typo when writing your name, and I’m just leaving it because it’s perfect. An awesome leader, an awesome friend, an awesome writer, and a horrible speller. I’m so thankful for the time we spent in Auru, teaching and guiding each other. I remember teaching you about all the religions of Loka, and together we started Auru on the path of Ancient Worship. I remember being proud to be an Aurulian when you and Xovious led us into battle to reclaim our homeland, and even when we lost, you would say something that would keep us fired up and ready to fight. I remember laughing and joking alongside you and our many friends as we built up our city. I remember roleplaying and writing lore with you. And I remember how sad I was, and still feel, when you left. You were one of the greatest leaders Auru has ever had, and we miss you! But regardless, Auru survives, so thank you for founding that amazing town, for helping it grow, and for being my friend.
Xovious/Asymphir: The first time you messaged me, I was pretty inactive, but you wanted to learn more about lore. So, I happily started ranting to you! I started playing more often so that I could hang out with you. You helped me build Caeldris, and we would spent hours chatting about random things on skype. You became one of my best friends really quickly. Together, alongside other Aurulians we built up our humble city into something amazing. We fought and died together as we reclaimed Kalros, and when it was time for Ajax to leave, you nominated me for leader and I nominated you. You won, which I was glad about, and I happily stood by your side as we led our town together. When you went to Ascalon, you trusted me with Auru, our home, and while I could never live up to you or Ajax, I’ve done alright I guess. There are a lot of people who aren’t as fond of you as I am, but you’ll always be a hero in my eyes. You’re the best honorary big brother I could ask for.
Benged: The Trickster, the King of the Skies, and the Punmaster of Auru. I have lots of memories of you brightening a dark situation. The first to come to mind is “Go Ajax! Clean the floor! From all the blood in the moor!” You also taught me how to use an elytra.
Iyoforeayo: You’ve inspired me time and time again with your skill in building, and more importantly, writing. You just waltzed into Loka and wrote one of the most incredible series of lore I’ve ever seen. Then you build and rebuilt countless things in Auru, including my own house, which I love. We have the best high architect ever.
Wizardteepot: So much to say… I don’t even know where to start. Well let’s see. You logged in and were stuck in the intro chat. You seemed smart and mature, because you used grammar, and seemed to have an interest in lore. So, I tried to befriend you. Not sure if I was successful.

Thanius: Such a good son. You’re smart, kind, talented, and a good sport about being teased a lot.

Ky: I don’t know you too well, which is really sad considering you’re my son’s wife! We definitely need to fix that. Let me know if I ever need to yell at Thani for you. <3
Castalina: For bringing lots of RPers to Loka and encouraging everyone, myself included to partake in RP more often! You’re super awesome, thank you so much for all you’ve done for the lore community!
Kaph: We literally started talking super recently, and now you’re my son. That’s good, you’re very kind, and I’m glad you’re apart of our little family.
Xlan: I don’t know you well either, but you’re also married to my son. So, welcome to the family. You’d better take care of him.

And people I had to mention but ran out of time to write long paragraphs about!
JocelynReed: For teaching me how to be a Sentry.
FatPoulet: For trying to help me learn French and for being awesome in general.
MrAlchemy: For making some of the best builds in history and for organising the architect team. (Or was that Mag? I think it was both of you.)
Saporium: For building Auru’s walls.
Shadow_Fox: For keeping Auru safe when no one else was there do to it.
TempestBlood: For being the spark that started LICA and Asmund.
Nokia: For fighting for my friends (holy cow, that’s an alliteration).
BorkMork: For leading Arvik, even when it was stressful, and keeping Asmund inspired.
CompanionCraft: For helping lead Asmund.
Turtlemaster: For being my friend and writing and rping with me.
Tyrriel: For being kind and helpful to everyone, including me.
Falksi: For introducing me to an epic dragon game.
Skuhoo: For making EB and helping Loka as a whole.
Lottaine: For teaching me how to be a Guardian and coming with Lazzy down to Minnesota to visit me.

Longfellow: For the writing advice and memes.
Rayward and Zorros: For inspiring me.
And last but far from least:
Melian: For helping keep RP and lore alive.
Loka: While it may seem silly to some, you gave me a renewed sense of purpose. I’ve never exactly had a lot of friends, but now I have more than I can count. I’ve never felt apart of something before, but now I am undoubtedly a Lokan, and proud to be one.
You: If you read all of that, thank you. If you’re only reading this, thank you. If somehow you’re not reading this, congratulations, you defied physics. You shouldn’t know what this is saying if you’re not reading this. Yikes, I’m going off on a tangent. Anyways, thank you-yes, I’m talking to you. Not just anyone, but you- Thank you for being a Lokan. Each one of us has had an influence on this world of ours, and each of us has made it into the wonderful place we love.
Thank you for a wonderful five years!