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Suggestion The Ability to "Salvage" Gear


Well-Known Member
Especially with the implementation of Zombie Pigmen dropping ALL of the vanilla drops, chests are starting to fill up with unused weapons and armor. I understand that, to make this gear useful, it would have to be repaired and enchanted, but after a while, that starts chewing up power shards or other valuable resources...I'd hate to see all of this gear go to waste, by us either throwing it into a pit of lava or leaving it in a chest to never see again, but is it possible for us to "salvage" it? For example, with the Zombie Pigmen dropping good swords, can I "salvage" the sword for the chance to get a good ingot, or x number of nuggets? I think this can also be applied to iron and chainmail gear, especially with the new "iron nuggets" which I've yet to see a real use for anyways.
Furthermore, perhaps it doesn't have to be guaranteed for you to get any materials just because you "salvaged" something. Sure, it might be harder to code, but perhaps you could get better drops based on the durability of an item?
This might change a lot of things with material rarity on the server, but it's just an idea to throw around. I'd love some input and some feedback on this idea, however, as it could be useful to many that want to get something out of the useless gear they have stowed away somewhere. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
I just tested out the new salvaging mechanic, and I have to agree with Gibon on this one: the returns on it are negligible at best. Yes, I understand that what I'm asking for is a lot, but one nugget out of every sword? It just doesn't seem like all that much...and yes, I understand implementing something like this will take us even further away from being "vanilla", but when was the last time we actually tried to stay "vanilla"? Perhaps a custom "salvaging" system should be implemented.
Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?


Staff member
Zombie pigmen already drop roughly 0.3 gold ingots each with looting 3 without factoring in smelting down weapons/armor. Why do you think they need a buff?


Well-Known Member
Fair point...I'm not entirely sure, it just seems wasteful to only get one nugget out of the gold swords they drop.


I think it's a fair amount. After all, most gear you get from mob drops is damaged anyway. (At least in my experience, correct me if I'm wrong) If you start salvaging, it'll build up over time.