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The Aurulians


Well-Known Member
[A/N: Felt inspired to write a poem out of nowhere. Figured I would post it here. Enjoy! Feedback and comments are always appreciated!]

The Aurulians

Ajaxan and Grubul: the men who founded a town
Trevester: the scientist to ignite the flame
Xovious: the warrior to rally their spirits
Jedoi: the guardian to make it a home
Tee: the wizard who believed in it’s legacy.

Ajaxan and Grubul
Although wanderers who liked to roam,
These men settled down and made a home.
Ajax they called the prophet, a man who they believed could see
Into the future of Auru, and he created his own dynasty.
Grubul they called a father, a man to bring people to town,
A shepherd, a leader, a farmer, attributes to build his renown.
But then one foggy evening, leading the townspeople astray,
The two great heroes disappeared, leaving Auru to decay.

Through the smoke and the fire
He brought Redstone to The Spire
Reigniting their will to live,
The townspeople Trevester would inspire.
Hidden in the heart of Auru, deep within it’s tower,
The people of Auru bided their time, and slowly grew their power.
Trev lead the charge in Auru and it’s mechanization,
Until one bright, sunny day, the Aurulians had a major realization…
The Prophet had returned, although his eyes seemed hollow,
He smiled with glee as he returned to his home, the lands he considered hallow.

Next was the Warrior King, Xovious, the man who lead with a bold fist.
His strength, bravery, and victory gets him added to this list.
With cunning bravery and wicked wit,
Eldritch’s lands in Ascalon he dared to split.
And even in the face of failure,
He never dared to quit.
From High King of Auru, he spread his reign to Ascalon,
Where he ruled Draekonfell, and he willed his troops to keep marching on.

In the face of sorrow, as great warriors started to fall,
Her people cowered behind her, and hid inside Auru’s giant walls.
In the face of adversity, she threw open Auru’s doors,
She welcomed Asmundian refugees, a stronger community never seen before;
Heroes both old and new she welcomed by an open hearth,
A new era of peace and solitude was her’s to care for and birth.

And as the wizard shut his book, witness to it all,
He made a promise to history, to those great heroes around him,
To never let Auru fall!